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This is a script file.


   UNIOVISOM Toolbox
   Version 2.0, June 1, 2007
   Copyright (c) 2007, by 
   Grupo de Supervisión y Diagnóstico de Procesos Industriales
   Area de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática
   Universidad de Oviedo
   Contributed files may contain copyrights of their own.
   UniOviSOM toolbox is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

   Demos and examples:
          demo001 - A simple example of som training
          demo002 - A simple 3D SOM example
     demo_grnn_1d - Example of 1D GRNN regression
     demo_grnn_2d - Example of 2D GRNN regression
    demoresiduals - Classification of motor condition using residuals and grnn

   General visualization:
correlationmatrix - Interactive plot of correlation matrix
       pdfscatter - Scatter plot with superimposed pdf plot
           planes - Draws 2D component planes
         planes3d - Draws 3D component planes
          plotcov - Plots 2D covariance ellipsoids
            plotp - Plots 2D and 3D points
        tablelens - Table Lens data visualization
          varplot - Plots variables of a data matrix in separate plots
        plotcolor - linear plot of x versus y using color coding for z 

   SOM functions:
       activation - Activation maps generated by a given input data set of stimuli
             bsom - Train a SOM using the batch SOM training algorithm
            bproj - Backward projection with the SOM mapping
            fproj - Forward projection with the SOM mapping
           inisom - Initialize a SOM structure
 localcorrelation - Local correlation maps
          somdist - SOM distance matrix
        sominterp - Resample a given SOM to obtain a thinner one

   Function approximation:
          grnntra - Train a normalized RBF (GRNN)
          grnnsim - Simulate a normalized RBF (GRNN) from input data
           linreg - Linear regression

  SOM-based Visualization of Dynamics
         mloc_som - Create an mloc object and train its SOM
         mloc_loc - Train the local models of an mloc object
      mloc_planos - Draws planes of coefficients, selector variables and RMSE of mloc model
         mloc_sim - Simulate an mloc object
     mloc_compara - Compare the linear and the mloc approximations
        mloc_info - display mloc object info
mloc_busca_valida - grid search for the best of multiple models with validation

   Other functions:
        clouddata - Generates clouds of points for testing algorithms
         datagrid - Generates points of an N-D grid with specified limits
            excar - Computes energies in frequency bands from data matrix
        fuzzymaps - Obtains SOM fuzzy maps interactively
             fcms - Fuzzy C-means algorithm for unsupervised
        getpoints - Gets 2D points from mouse clicks
          matdiff - Cartesian product of vector differences between two vector sets
          matdist - Matrix of mutual distances between two vector sets
        modelmaps - Gets polynomial models from data interactively
           parzen - Estimates joint pdf using parzen kernels
           rectop - Stores cartesian product of indices on an N-D grid
          rectopi - Generate points of a thinner rectangular N-D grid
           region - Interactively highlight regions in the visualization space


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