Reference map of the cytosolic proteome of Penicillium chrysogenum. Proteins were separated by 2-DE using 18-cm wide-range IPG strips (pH 3-10 NL) and 15% SDS-PAGE gel. "Blue Silver" Colloidal Coomassie was used as staining method. A total amount of 976 spots were resolved in this range and were analyzed by PMF and tandem mass spectrometry. Molecular weights are shown on the left.
Information of the identified proteins is shown when the mouse pointer is moved over a spot: Spot number (correlated with the data shown in Jami et al., 2010), ORF name [associated with the P. chrysogenum Wisconsin 54-1255 genome (van den Berg et al., 2008)], Accession number, Description of the protein function, Score shown by Mascot database. In those spots where more than one protein was identified, these are shown separated by asterisks. Clicking over the spots the
protein information is shown in a new page, which allows to connect
with the NCBI database.
This web page has been developed by Abel A. Cuadrado (University of Oviedo, Spain) supported by the data obtained from proteome analysis by Mohammad-Saeid Jami, Carlos Barreiro, Carlos García-Estrada, and Juan-F. Martín (Institute of Biotechnology of León and University of León, Spain).
Reference of the present web page:
Jami MS, Barreiro C, García-Estrada C, Martín JF. 2010. Proteome analysis
of the penicillin producer Penicillium chrysogenum: Characterization of
protein changes during the industrial strain improvement. Mol Cell
Proteomics. 2010 Feb 12. [Epub ahead of print]
Postal address of Jami MS, Barreiro C, García-Estrada C and Martín JF:
INBIOTEC (Institute of Biotechnology of Leon)
Parque Científico de León.
Avda. Real, 1
24006 León
Postal address of Cuadrado AA:
Edificio Departamental 2 (Desp. 2.2.02)
Campus Universitario s/n
33204 Gijón