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Ada is a full-featured language with many capabilities, rules, and nuances. Although the fundamentals are easy to learn (Ada somewhat resembles BASIC), it is several times larger that C, and to truly master the language requires considerable practice. To make understanding easier, the discussion is broken up into two chapters. This chapter outlines the basics of the language, and the next chapter discusses features for team development, large projects, and other specialized tasks.
This in no way covers everything there is to know about Ada. I've chosen to cover those features that have been the most use to me over the years in my projects. For example, array slicing alone could take up several pages of discussion, but I've never had a need for it in recent years. Of course, you may be involved in a project in which array slicing is crutial. In these cases, I recommend you get a good Ada 95 reference such as Barnes' Programming in Ada 95.
Likewise this is not a complete introduction to computer programming. Some background knowledge is assumed.
Ada also has many specialized features for specific tasks such as scientific computing and real-time systems. Where I deliberately skip a subject, I usually make a note that I have done so. I've also hilighted useful information for C programmers who are learning Ada.
Now, on to main programs.
A main program in Ada is a procedure with no parameters that starts your program running. This is the set of instructions that the computer begins to follow when your program is first executed.
The following program will print a message on the screen when you run it.
with Ada.Text_IO; procedure firstProgram is -- my first Ada program begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line( "This is my first Ada program." ); end firstProgram;
C: Ada is not case sensitive. "WITH" or "With" is the same as "with". |
An Ada program consists of sets of words and punctuation symbols. The words fall into two categories. First, the words in bold in bold are called keywords. These are words that have special meaning to Ada. Second, the words that aren't in bold are identifiers. These are the names of variables, procedures, packages and other items with names or titles in the language.
IDE: Ada IDE's will hilight keywords in bold for you. Some editors such as emacs, elvis and nedit will also hilight keywords. This is a good way to check for spelling mistakes. |
In this program, begin is a keyword because Ada uses the word "begin" to denote where the program is to begin executing instructions. On the other hand, "firstProgram" is an identifier because it is the name of our program.
All keywords in Ada are also reserved words: this means that the keywords cannot be used as identifiers.
The main program can have any name, as long as the name matches the filename. In gnat, the source code for a main program ends in .adb (Ada body). This program should be saved as firstprogram.adb.
C: The main program doesn't have to be "main" unless you save the program as "main.adb". |
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Comments are denoted by two minus signs (--). This is a note to
the reader; Ada will ignore it. Everything you type to the right of
the symbol is treated as a remark to the reader.
C: Ada has no equivalent to the block comment /* and */. |
Ada | Description | C Equivalent |
put( s ); | Display a string | printf( "%s", s ); |
put( n'img ); | Display a number | printf( "%d", n ); |
put_line( s ); | Display a line of text and start a new line | printf( "%s\n", s ); |
new_line; | Start a new line | printf( "\n" ); |
get( c ); | Read a character from the keyboard | c = getc(); |
get_line( s, len ); | Read a line of text from the keyboard | gets(&s); |
etc. |
Like many modern computer languages, Ada doesn't have any built-in methods of reading the keyboard or writing messages on the screen. It doesn't assume you're writing a program for a PC (you could be doing embedded programming, for example)--but in general, you need to interpret what people type and display the results to the screen. You have to add this functionality specifically.
The standard input/output package for Ada is Text_IO. This package prints characters and strings to the screen and reads characters and strings from the keyboard. It can also read and write simple sequential text files. (Packages will be discussed in detail starting at 11.1 in the next chapter.)
Text_IO is only useful for simple programs. It doesn't have the ability to draw buttons, windows or menus. For X Windows programming, you'll require other packages/libraries to perform input and output.
C: In C, printf and company can use an arbitrary number of parameters, where the parameters can be of different types. Text_IO's puts have one parameter, and the parameter must be a string or a character. Upcoming sections demonstrate how to print other types. |
The most commonly used operations are:
The following program is an example of Text_IO.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure basicio is -- this program demonstrates basic input/output c : character; -- this is a letter begin Put_Line( "This program displays information on the screen" ); Put_Line( "and reads information from the keyboard"); New_Line; Put_Line( "Put_Line displays a line of text and advances to" ); Put_Line( "the next line." ); Put( "Put " ); Put_Line( "displays text, but it doesn't start a new line" ); Put_Line( "New_Line displays a blank line"); New_Line; Put_Line( "Get waits for a character to be typed."); Put_Line( "Type a key and the Enter key to continue." ); Get( c ); Put_Line( "The character you typed was '" & c & "'" ); end basicio;
This program displays information on the screen and reads information from the keyboard Put_Line displays a line of text and advances to the next line. Put displays text, but it doesn't start a new line New_Line displays a blank line Get waits for a character to be typed. Type a key and the Enter key to continue. c The character you typed was 'c'
Besides letters and numbers, there are special characters called control characters which, instead of displaying a character, change the Linux display. To print controls characters, you need to use one of Ada's built-in character sets. For example, ASCII is a predefined list of all the ASCII characters. To send an explicit form feed character, use
Put( ASCII.FF );
Some common control characters are:
C: Put doesn't recognize C string escape codes like "\n" or "\r". |
Besides ASCII, Ada has a number of other character sets defined
in the Ada.Characters packages.
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Ada Type | Description | C Equivalent |
Character | A single character | char |
Integer | An integer (32-bit) number | int |
Natural | Zero or positive integer | - |
Positive | Positive integer | - |
Long_Integer | A big integer (same as long in Gcc) | long (same as int in Gcc) |
Long_Long_Integer | A really big (64-bit) integer | long long |
Short_Integer | A small (16-bit) integer | short |
Short_Short_Integer | A really small (8-bit) integer | char |
Float | A real number | float |
Long_Float | A big real number | double |
Long_Long_Float | A really big real number | long double |
Short_Float | A smaller real number | ? |
Fixed | A fixed-point real number | - |
String | An Ada fixed-length string | char array |
C: There are no built-in equivalents of
unsigned types. Natural and Positive are integer values that aren't
allowed to be negative, effectively requiring the sign bit to be
Characters cannot be used for small integer values--characters variables can only represent character values. |
Generally speaking, programs take data, process it in different ways, and create new information. Data is categorized into different data types.
Data that is typed into a program is known as literals. Ada has several kinds of literals:
C: Ada doesn't have long numerical literals, like "45L". Numeric literals are a special type called universal integer and adapt to fit the requirements of an expression. |
C: Ada strings do not end with an ASCII 0
character: they end with the upper bound of the array that encloses
them. To change an Ada string into a C string, concatenate a null
character like this:
"This is my string" & ASCII.NUL; |
There are three kinds of real numbers. A fixed, or fixed point, number is a number that has a fixed number of decimal points. For example, U.S. dollars are often represented using fixed numbers because there are two decimal places. A float, or floating-point, number is a number that doesn't have a fixed number of decimal places. Decimal numbers are a variation of fixed numbers commonly used for currency.
Some Ada programmers recommend that floats are used whenever possible because float calculations are usually faster than fixed calculations. This is because most computers today have floating point support in their hardware.
Fixed point numbers are declared with a delta part (and optional range limit) which the compiler uses to determine the minimum number of bits needed to store the number and the fractional part. If you need a specific reason (for example, if you intend to use a for loop to step through the range of the type), chose it using a for clause.
type aFixedNumber is delta 0.1 range 0.0 .. 1.0; -- represented as multiples of 0.0625 (1/128) type aFixedNumber2 is delta 0.1 range 0.0 .. 1.0; for aFixedNumber2'Small use 0.1; -- represented as multiples of 0.1
On Linux, decimal numbers use floating-point arithmetic.
Floating point numbers are very important for business and scientific applications. When floating point numbers are converted to integers, do the numbers round to the nearest integer or is the decimal part simply discarded? In C, this is system dependent: System V-based UNIX's usually round to the nearest integer, while some other systems discard the decimal part. (Others, like HP-UX, the number rounds towards the nearest even integer providing the floating point number is exactly half way between two integers.)
On Linux, C truncates the decimal part.
In Ada, the way numbers round are strictly defined by the language: you can be sure that, no matter what operating system you are using, floating point numbers converted to integers will always round to the nearest integer. If the floating point number is half way between two integers, it will round "up".
The following program demonstrates floating point rounding:
with ada.text_io, ada.float_text_io; use ada.text_io, ada.float_text_io; procedure rounding is -- rounding example procedure ShowRounding( f : float ) is -- show the floating point value, and show the value -- after it's converted to an integer int_value : integer; begin Put( " Float number " ); Put( f, fore => 5, aft => 3 ); int_value := integer( f ); Put_Line( " rounds to " & int_value'img ); end ShowRounding; begin Put_Line( "This is a demonstration of how Ada 95 rounds" ); New_Line; ShowRounding( 253.0 ); ShowRounding( 253.2 ); ShowRounding( 253.5 ); ShowRounding( 253.8 ); ShowRounding( -253.8 ); end rounding;
This is a demonstration of how Ada 95 rounds Float number 2.530E+02 rounds to 253 Float number 2.532E+02 rounds to 253 Float number 2.535E+02 rounds to 254 Float number 2.538E+02 rounds to 254 Float number -2.538E+02 rounds to -254
You can compare the results with the following C program:
#include <stdio.h> static void show_rounding( float f ) { int i; i = f; printf( " Float number %g", f ); printf( " rounds to %d\n", i ); } /* show rounding */ int main () { show_rounding( 253.0 ); show_rounding( 253.2 ); show_rounding( 253.5 ); show_rounding( 253.8 ); return 0; }
Float number 253 rounds to 253 Float number 253.2 rounds to 253 Float number 253.5 rounds to 253 Float number 253.8 rounds to 253
Rounding to integers is a common way in C business applications to round money to the nearest dollar or cent. This is accomplished by multiplying the floating point value by 100.0, adding .5, and then taking the integer value and converting it once more into a floating point value. In Ada, there's a built-in type attribute to round floating point numbers: this makes conversion to an integer unnecessary.
C: The fundamental integer types don't "wrap
around" the way C data types do. Values that grow too large produce
overflow errors. However, gnat turns off integer overflow exceptions
by default to improve performance. Ada provides properly behaved C
types and conversion functions in the Interfaces.C package.
Interfaces.C includes the following types:
type int is new Integer; type short is new Short_Integer; type long is range -(2 ** lbits1) .. +(2 ** lbits1) - 1; type signed_char is range SCHAR_MIN .. SCHAR_MAX; for signed_char'Size use CHAR_BIT; type unsigned is mod 2 ** int'Size; type unsigned_short is mod 2 ** short'Size; type unsigned_long is mod 2 ** long'Size; type unsigned_char is mod (UCHAR_MAX + 1); for unsigned_char'Size use CHAR_BIT; GNAT has a second package, Interfaces.C.Extensions, that includes additional types, such as unsigned_long_long. |
As it's name suggests, the Text_IO package only performs I/O with text, not numbers or other types of information. If you want to print, say, and integer value using Text_IO, you must first convert the integer to a string using the 'img attribute (or 'image). (Attributes are discussed in the next section.)
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure basicio2 is -- this program demonstrates more advanced input/output i : integer := 5; -- this variable contains an integer number -- i initially has the value of 5 s : string(1..20); -- this variable contains a 20 character string len : natural; begin Put_Line( "This program displays information on the screen" ); Put_Line( "and reads information from the keyboard"); New_Line; Put_Line( "'img returns the string representation of a variable's" ); Put_Line( "value. The value i is" & i'img); New_Line; s := "...................."; -- set s to 20 periods Put_Line( "The variable s is " & s); Put_Line( "Get_Line reads a string from the keyboard" ); Put_Line( "Type in a message up to 20 characters and press Enter:" ); Get_Line( s, len ); Put_Line( "After Get_Line copies your message to s, s is now '" & s & "'" ); Put_Line( "The message is" & len'img & " characters long." ); Put_Line( "The characters after your message remain unchanged." ); end basicio2;
This program displays information on the screen and reads information from the keyboard 'img returns the string representation of a variable's value. The value i is 5 The variable s is .................... Get_Line reads a string from the keyboard Type in a message up to 20 characters and press Enter: jingle bells After Get_Line copies your message to s, s is now 'jingle bells........' The message is 12 characters long. The characters after your message remain unchanged.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure basicio3 is -- this program demonstrates more even advanced input/output i : integer := 5; -- this variable contains an integer number -- i initially has the value of 5 s : string(1..5); -- this variable contains a 5 character string len : natural; -- length of string begin Put_Line( "This program displays information on the screen" ); Put_Line( "and reads information from the keyboard"); New_Line; Put_Line( "The value i is" & i'img); New_Line; Put_Line( "integer'value changes a string into an integer value" ); Put_Line( "Type in a 4 character integer characters with a leading" ); Put_Line( "space or negative sign and press Enter:"); Get_Line( s, len ); i := integer'value( s ); Put_Line( "The value of i is " & i'img); New_Line; end basicio3;
This program displays information on the screen and reads information from the keyboard The value i is 5 integer'value changes a string into an integer value Type in a 4 character integer characters with a leading space or negative sign and press Enter: 2345 The value of i is 2345
Besides Text_IO, Ada provides additional "Text_IO" packages for the basic Ada data types. Using these packages, you don't need to use 'img to convert the variable to a string. For example, the package Ada.Integer_Text_IO can put and get integers, and Ada.Float_Text_IO can put and get floating point numbers. You can use these packages simultaneously with Text_IO.
These additional packages do not have Put_Line or Get_Line because these are specifically for strings. The Put command has two additional capabilities: to space information to fit into specified field widths, and to display numbers in formats other than base 10.
Text_IO Package
Short_Short Integer (wide) | Ada.Short_Short_Integer_Wide_Text_IO |
Short_Float | Ada.Short_Float_Text_IO |
Short_Float (wide text) | Ada.Short_Float_Wide_Text_IO |
Short_Integer | Ada.Short_Integer_Text_IO |
Short_Integer (wide text) | Ada.Short_Integer_Wide_Text_IO |
Integer | Ada.Integer_Text_IO |
Integer (wide text) | Ada.Integer_Wide_Text_IO |
Float | Ada.Float_Text_IO |
Float (wide text) | Ada.Float_Wide_Text_IO |
Long_Float | Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO |
Long_Float (wide text) | Ada.Long_Float_Wide_Text_IO |
Long_Integer | Ada.Long_Integer_Text_IO |
Long_Integer (wide text) | Ada.Long_Integer_Wide_Text_IO |
Long_Long_Float | Ada.Long_Long_Float_Text_IO |
Long_Long_Float (wide) | Ada.Long_Long_Float_Wide_Text_IO |
Long_Long_Integer | Ada.Long_Long_Integer_Text_IO |
Long_Long_Integer (wide) | Ada.Long_Long_Integer_Wide_Text_IO |
Unbounded (String) | Ada.Unbounded_IO |
Wide_Unbounded (String) | Ada.Wide_Unbounded_IO |
Calender.Time | Gnat.Time_IO |
Ada has a selection of attributes, or built-in functions, that can be applied to types and variables. Attributes are attached to the end of a type or variable name using a single quote.
The most useful attribute, the 'img attribute, returns the ASCII image of what it's attached to, which is handy for printing values on the screen using only Ada's Text_IO package. (5)'img, for example, is the string "5". false'image, the image of the boolean value false, is the string "FALSE" in capital letters. One quirk of 'img is that if the value is a positive number, 'img adds a leading blank.
'img is a GNAT shorthand for the Ada attribute 'image. 'image requires you to specify the type of the parameter. integer'image( 5 ) is the string "5". This attribute is useful on complicated expressions where 'img won't work because of the lack of parentheses.
Here's a list of Ada 95 attributes: [To Be Completed]
Access - access value for an identifier
Ada Operator | Description | C Equivalent |
and | Boolean and | && |
or | Boolean or | || |
Boolean xor
Boolean not
~ |
Not equals
Absolute Value
? |
Integer modulus
% |
Float remainder
- |
and then
Short circuited and
- |
or else
Short circuited else
- |
Value in range
- |
not in
Short for not( ...in...)
- |
C: C boolean operators always short circuit. In Ada, there are both short circuiting operations and operations that do not short circuit. |
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C: Assignment is considered a statement, not an operator. |
runningTotal : integer := 0;
sb : float renames EmployeeList( CurrentEmployee ).SalaryInfo.Bonus;
C: There are no self-referential operators, such as C's +=. |
Ada Statement | Description | C Equivalent |
type | Create a new type. | typedef |
subtype | Create a variation of an existing type | - |
C: "(type) value" style of type casting doesn't work in Ada. |
C: "Ada has stronger restrictions on typecasting. In C, for example, you can cast a character pointer as an integer pointer. Although this is considered a bad programming practice, it is allowed. Ada will not allow this kind of type casting. |
In this example, sb is a short form for aSalaryBonusForEmployeesNamedBobStevens. "sb" is techncially called a "subtype mark", a term which sometimes appears in Gnat error messages. One common error, "subtype mark required in this context", indicates that there are several different types that could be used and you have to indicate to the compiler which should used.
Ada provides another type of integer called a modular type. The word "modular" comes from the mathematical modulus operation. Modular types never overflow. Instead, if a number becomes bigger than the largest possible number the variable can contain, the value of the modular type "wraps around" to the lowest value and continues to grow from there. If the int variable in the above example was a modular called int modular, then
int := intmodular'max + 1;
would result in int being assigned intmodular'min.
C: C integer types are all modular because C doesn't catch overflow errors. |
package aSalary_Text_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO( aSalary );
Ada creates a new package called aSalaray_Text_IO customized for the aSalary type. You can use your package just like one of the standard Ada numeric Text_IO packages.
Salary := 50_000.00
Base Type | Package |
Complex Numbers
Complex Numbers (wide text)
Decimals (NQS)
Decimal Numbers (wide text)
Enumerateds (wide text)
Fixed Points
Fixed Points (wide text)
Floating Points
Floating Points (wide text)
Integers | Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO |
Integers (wide text)
Modulars (wide text)
type peopleHeight is new integer range 1..10;
type peopleStats is array( peopleHeight, peopleAge ) of integer;
You can assign default values to an array using :=, the assignment operator. The list of values is enclosed in brackets. You can specify a specific value using =>, or specify a default with others =>.
PeopleHeights1 : peopleHeightList := (others => 0);
Records are collections of related information. Each subsection is referred to as a field.
type employeeProfile is record
Bob : employeeProfile := ("Bob Smith", 35_000.0, 37 );
NewRec := employeeProfile'("Bob Smith", 35_000.0, 37 );
employeeProfile' indicates that the record we've built should be treated as an employeeProfile record.
Although this looks almost exactly the same as type casting, it isn't type casting. Consider the following:
J := long_integer'( 5 );
Record fields are accessed using a period and the field name.
Bob.age := 37;
A variant record is a record that contains different sets of mutually exclusive information.
type employeeProfile( sex : aSex ) is record
In this example, a male employee has an additional field called BeardLength.
Different enumerated types may have the same values, but they are considered different from each other. For example,
type aCatBreed is ( Unknown, Siamese, MixedBreed );
shares two values with aDogBreed, but an unknown cat breed is
considered different from an unknown dog breed. If Ada is confused
by the ambiguity, you can clarify values with a subtype mark, e.g.
Many of the common attributes work with enumerated types, including 'first, 'last, and 'range. Especially useful are 'pred (get a previous enumerated identifier) and 'succ (get the next enumerated identifer). Specific values can be assigned (using a for clause) so the enumerated type can reflect an external integer value (such as error codes).
with ada.text_io, unchecked_conversion; use ada.text_io; procedure enumeration_fun is -- a demonstration of Ada 95 enumerated types type vowels is ( 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', none ); -- characters may be used as well as identifiers. The standard -- character sets are implemented this way. type aDogBreed is ( Jack_Russel, Labrador, German_Shepherd, Other ); type aCanadianRegion is ( West_Coast, Arctic, Labrador, Other ); subtype coldPlaces is aCanadianRegion range Arctic..Other; -- names may overlap between enumerated types type anErrorCode is ( None, IOerror ); for anErrorCode use ( None => 0, IOerror => 7 ); -- specific values may be assigned to enumerated identifiers function toInteger is new unchecked_conversion( anErrorCode, integer ); begin -- Basic enumerated type operations put( "The vowel 'u' has a position of" ); put( integer'image( vowels'pos( 'u' ) ) ); put_line( " in the list." ); put( "The vowel after 'a' is" ); put( vowels'image( vowels'succ( 'a' ) ) ); put_line( "." ); -- Using a regular enumerated. Where an identifer belongs to -- two enumerated types, we have to apply a type qualifier when -- ambiguity comes up. put( "The item before German_Shepherd is " ); put( aDogBreed'image( aDogBreed'pred( German_Shepherd ) ) ); put_line( "." ); put( "The item after Labrador (the region) is " ); put( aCanadianRegion'image( aCanadianRegion'succ( Labrador ) ) ); put_line( "." ); put_line( "Listing of cold regions between 'Labrador' and 'Other':" ); for cr in coldPlaces'(Labrador)..other loop put_line( aCanadianRegion'image( cr ) ); end loop; -- Using an enumerated with assigned numbers. To get the number -- we assigned, we need unchecked_conversion. put( "Error code " & anErrorCode'image( IOerror ) ); put( " is in position" & integer'image(anErrorCode'pos( IOerror ) ) ); put_line( "." ); put( "IOerror has a value of" & integer'image( toInteger( IOerror ) ) ); put_line( "." ); put( "The code before IOerror is " ); put( anErrorCode'image( anErrorCode'pred( IOerror ) ) ); put_line( "." ); put( "The code after NONE is " ); put( anErrorCode'image( anErrorCode'succ( None ) ) ); put_line( "." ); end enumeration_fun;
The vowel 'u' has a position of 4 in the list. The vowel after 'a' is'e'. The item before German_Shepherd is LABRADOR. The item after Labrador (the region) is OTHER. Listing of cold regions between 'Labrador' and 'Other': LABRADOR OTHER Error code IOERROR is in position 1. IOerror has a value of 7. The code before IOerror is NONE. The code after NONE is IOERROR.
The boolean type is implemented as an enumerated with two values, true and false. False is always the predecessor of true.
C: Ada enumerated types have more features than C's. You can use 'pred and 'succ to move through the list without casting the enumerated as an integer and using arithmetic. The position of an enumerated identifer is independent of its assigned value. |
Ada Statement
C Equivalent
A subprogram that returns no value for
void f(...);
A subprogram that returns a value for
sometype f(...);
A nested block
There are several ways to break up an Ada program. First, a procedure, such as the main program, is a subprogram which returns no value.
procedure print_test is
C: a procedure is a void function. |
Total := AddOne( SubTotal );
The value in the brackets is the parameter to the function. Parameters have modes: in, out or in out. In, which is the default if you specify a mode, means that the variable is treated as a constant. Out means the value is returned when the subprogram is finished. In out means the value goes into the subprogram, is changed, and is returned again when the subprogram is finished.
In Ada, functions can only have in parameters, but procedures can have all three.
procedure AddOne( x : in out integer ) is
C: There is no equivalent of pass-by-copy or pass-by-reference. See the section on interfacing C and Ada. |
C: An access variable is basically a pointer. These are described later. |
DisplayCurrency( 1.97, 8 );
DisplayCurrency( fieldWidth => 8, useDollarSign => false, c => 1.97 );
You can also declare arbitrary blocks in Ada. These let you declare variables in the middle of a procedure or function or set apart the designated source code in it's own block. The form of a block is an optional declare section, and the block denoted by a begin and end.
procedure nested is
The main reason for blocks is to add an exception hander to a particular line without having to write a one line procedure.
Operators are in-fix functions, ones that take parameters on their left and right. For example, "+" is an operator. Ada lets you redefine most of the standard operators so they work with types of your choosing. You enclose the operators' symbol in double quotes.
function "+"( e : employeeRecord, s : aSalary ) returns aSalary is
Ada subprograms can have the same name as long as their parameters or return values are different. This is called overloading. If Ada can't determine which subprogram you are referring to, you'll receive an error when compiling. In the above example, "+" is overloaded since there's integer addition, floating addition, and the other built-in meanings for "+", and our special salary addition we just defined.
C: Assignment is not an operator in Ada. Assignment overloading can be simulated with controlled tagged records and the Adjust procedure. |
Ada Statement
C Equivalent
Conditional execution
Interative loop
Pretest loop
Indefinite loop
Loop exit
Multiple case conditional execution
Unconditional jump
The if statement is, well, a standard if statement which you can find in many languages. Here's an example:
if x > 0 then
if x > 0 or else y > 0 then
In this case, y > 0 is only checked if x is not greater than zero.
There is a general purpose loop statement, loop. Loops are exited with an exit statement. Ada provides a shorthand, exit when, to exit on a condition.
C: There is no general purpose loop in C. |
C: There's no equivalent of the C continue
C: This is the equivalent of a C while loop. There is no post-test loop, like C's do loop. |
for dog in aDogBreed'range loop
Also note that dog is implicitly defined. You don't have to
declare it. Ada understands the type from the loop and the loop
variable exists for the duration of the loop.
C: For is much more structured than C's for. |
case DogBreed is
Ada also as a null statement, which is a placeholder to use when a statement is expected but none is needed. For example, you can't have an empty if statement--there must be at least a "null;". Multiple cases can be included with the vertical bar, or a range can be specified with an ellipsis.
case TaxType is
C: case is like switch, but the cases don't fall through. |
for I in 0..10 loop
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