18 Data Structures


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Good programmers write good programs. Great programmers write good programs and good data structures. Organizing your data is as important as the program that crunches the data and produces a result.

Unfortunately, my experiences in the corporate world have taught me that that the only data structure used is the single dimensional array. When results are the only goal and more processing power is the cure for bad software design, arrays are easy to implement (they are built into Ada). Even the worst programmer knows how to use an array. And arrays are easy to understand. Try to use a linked list, and a programmer can get into trouble with his boss for using risky, "advanced" technology.

Alternatively, programmers will sometimes rely on the complexity and overhead of databases when a simplier solution using the correct data structure would be faster and easier to implement.

If you are lucky enough to work for a company that uses more than arrays, this chapter will discuss how to use other kinds of data structures in Ada.


18.1 Using the Booch Components

Like Ada, C++ has no advanced data structures built into the language. To provide a standard set of data structures, what is now called the Standard Template Library was developed to provide the tools necessary to organize most types of data.

Perhaps because of an oversight, Ada 95 with all its annexes has no equivalent to the C++ Standard Template Library. There are no standard packages providing common data structures. The Gnat compiler fills part of this void with packages for creating simple tables and hash tables.

The Booch components are a set of C++ objects created by Grady Booch. These were later ported to Ada 95. The components contain sets of general purpose data structures. The Booch components are available from AdaPower.Net or in RPM format from the Ada Linux Team. This is one popular choice for Ada's unofficial "Standard Template Library".

The components are organized into three main categories: tools, support and structs. The tools cover many items already implemented in the standard Ada or Gnat packages, such as searching, sorting and pattern recognition. Support refers to components that implement the tools and structs.

The structs (data structures) are the primary interest of Ada programmers. These are further subcategorized by the user's requirements: bounded (where the size is known at compile-time or there's no heap allocation), unbounded (using dynamic allocation and item caching), or the dynamic (a compromize between bounded and unbounded). The default if no others are available is unbounded.

Dynamic and unbounded types can specify a storage manager to use. The storage manager is a program that allocates memory. Use Global_Heap package if you have no preference.

Unbounded structures allocate memory whenever a new item is added to the structure.

Dynamic structures allocate memory in fixed-sized chunks. Each chunk is large enough for several items. The chunk size is set when the dynamic data structure is first created, but it can be altered at any time. When a chunk is full, the structure is grows by the size of another chunk. This reduces the number of memory allocations to improve performance.

Each dynamic structure includes these subprograms:

The Booch components are organzied in a hierarchy of packages. The BC package is the top-most package. BC defines the basic execptions that can be raised by the various components:

  Container_Error : exception;
  Duplicate : exception;
  Illegal_Pattern : exception;
  Is_Null : exception;
  Lexical_Error : exception;
  Math_Error : exception;
  Not_Found : exception;
  Not_Null : exception;
  Not_Root : exception;
  Overflow : exception;
  Range_Error : exception;
  Storage_Error : exception;
  Synchronization_Error : exception;
  Underflow : exception;
  Should_Have_Been_Overridden : exception;
  Not_Yet_Implemented : exception;

The data structure components are:

Data Structure Booch Packages Description
Bags bc-containers-bags-bounded
Unordered collection of items. Duplicates are counted but not actually stored.
Collections bc-containers-collections-bounded
Ordered collection of items. Duplicates are allowed and stored.
Deques bc-containers-deques-bounded
Double-ended queues
Single linked Lists bc-containers-lists-single A sequence of 0 or more items with a head and a pointer to each successive item.
Double linked Lists bc-containers-lists-double A sequence of 0 or more items with a head and a pointer to both successive and previous items.
Maps bc-containers-maps-bounded
A set with relationships between pairs of items.
Queues bc-containers-queues-bounded
First in, first out list.
Ordered (Priority) Queues bc-containers-queues-ordered-bounded
A sorted list, items removed from the front.
Rings bc-containers-rings-bounded
A deque with only one endpoint.
Sets bc-containers-sets-bounded
Unordered collection of items. Duplicates are not allowed.
Stacks bc-containers-stacks-bounded
Last in, first out list.
AVL Trees bc-containers-trees-avl Balanced binary trees
Binary Trees bc-containers-trees-binary-in_order
A list with two successors per item.
Multiway Trees bc-containers-trees-multiway-post_order
Tree with an arbitrary number of children.
Directed Graphs bc-graphs-directed Groups of items with one-way relationships
Undirected Graphs bc-graphs-undirected Groups of items with two-way relationships
Smart Pointers bc-smart Access types that automatically deallocate themselves

A definition of common data structures can be found at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

The components are generic packages and must be instantiated for a particular type. They are arranged in hierarchies of generic packages. Each parent package must be instantiated before its child. For example, to use single linked lists (bc.containers.lists.single), bc.containers, bc.containers.lists, and bc.containers.lists.single must all be be created for the item type.

As with many component libraries, the Booch components represent all structures in memory, not in long-term storage. They cannot be used to create disk files, although the data could be saved to disk and reloaded later.

18.1.1 Containers

Containers form the cornerstone of the Booch components.

Containers are a controlled tagged record that encloses an item. The Booch components are composed of items stored in containers that are arranged in different ways.

To use any of the Booch components, a container must be instantiated to hold your item. For example, to create a new package to manage character in containers, use

  package charContainers is new BC.Containers (Item => Character);

18.1.2 Iterators

The Container package also manages the iterators used by the Booch components. An iterator is a variable that keeps track of the position in a data structure during a traversal.

Iterators are created by New_Iterator in a data structure's package, but the subprograms that work with the iterator are defined in the Container package.

The Is_Done function indicates when all items have been traversed. When Is_Done is true, Current_Item is undefined. In other words, the program must loop through all items in the list, plus 1, before Is_Done is true.

Because an Iterator is a class-wide type, it must be assigned a new value when it is declared to avoid a compiler error.

  i : charContainers.Iterator'class := charList.New_Iterator( customers );

18.1.3 Single linked Lists

Creating a single linked list requires the instantiation of 3 separate generic packages: BC.Containers, BC.Containers.Lists, and BC.Containers.Lists.Single. To avoid problems with access types, these should be declared globally (that is, in a package spec).

First, a container must be defined to hold the item you want to store in your linked list.

  package Containers is new BC.Containers (Item => Character);

Second, basic operations on lists must be instantiated.

  package Lists is new Containers.Lists;

Finally, the single linked list package must be instantiated. For an unbounded package, you chose a storage pool to use. Single linked lists are always unbounded. Use Global_Heap if you have no preference.

  package LS is new Lists.Single (Storage_Manager => Global_Heap.Pool,
                                  Storage => Global_Heap.Storage);

The single linked list package provides the following subprograms:

Notice that the term "Foot" refers to the last item in the list. The Ada string packages uses the term "Tail".

Here's an example:

with BC.Containers.Lists.Single;
with Global_Heap;

package customers is

  type aCustomer is record
       customerID     : integer;
       accountBalance : float;
  end record;
  -- this is the item to put in the list

  package customerContainers is new BC.Containers (Item => aCustomer);
  -- create a new controlled tagged record container for customers

  package customerLists is new customerContainers.Lists;
  -- create a new list support package for our using container type

  package customerList is new customerLists.Single (Storage_Manager => Global_Heap.Pool, Storage => Global_Heap.Storage);
  -- create a single linked list package using the lists support
  -- customized for our container type

end customers;

with ada.text_io, BC, customers;
use ada.text_io, BC, customers;

procedure list_demo is
  customers : customerList.Single_List;
  c         : aCustomer;
  i         : customerContainers.Iterator'class := customerList.New_Iterator( customers );
  Put_Line( "This is a demo of the Booch components: single-linked lists" );

  -- The Newly Declared List

  Put_Line( "The list is newly declared." );
  Put_Line( "The list is empty? " & customerList.Is_Null( customers )'img );
  Put_Line( "The list is shared? " & customerList.Is_Shared( customers )'img );
  Put_Line( "The list length is" & customerList.Length( customers )'img );

  -- Inserting a customer

  c.customerID := 7456;
  c.accountBalance := 56.74;
  customerList.Insert( customers, c );

  Put_Line( "Added customer" & c.customerID'img );
  Put_Line( "The list is empty? " & customerList.Is_Null( customers )'img );
  Put_Line( "The list is shared? " & customerList.Is_Shared( customers )'img );
  Put_Line( "The list length is" & customerList.Length( customers )'img );

  c := customerList.Head( customers );
  Put_Line( "The head item is customer id" & c.customerID'img );
  c := customerList.Foot( customers );
  Put_Line( "The foot item is customer id" & c.customerID'img );

  -- Apending a customer

  c.customerID := 9362;
  c.accountBalance := 88.92;
  customerList.Append( customers, c );

  Put_Line( "Appended customer" & c.customerID'img );
  Put_Line( "The list length is" & customerList.Length( customers )'img );
  c := customerList.Head( customers );
  Put_Line( "The head item is customer id" & c.customerID'img );
  c := customerList.Foot( customers );
  Put_Line( "The foot item is customer id" & c.customerID'img );

  -- Iterator example

  Put_Line( "Resetting the iterator.." );
  customerContainers.Reset( i );
  c := customerContainers.Current_item ( i );
  Put_Line( "The current item is customer id" & c.customerID'img );
  Put_Line( "Are we done? " & customerContainers.Is_Done( i )'img );

  Put_Line( "Advancing to the next item..." );
  customerContainers.Next( i );
  c := customerContainers.Current_item ( i );
  Put_Line( "The current item is customer id" & c.customerID'img );
  Put_Line( "Are we done? " & customerContainers.Is_Done( i )'img );

  Put_Line( "Advancing to the next item..." );
  customerContainers.Next( i );
  Put_Line( "Are we done? " & customerContainers.Is_Done( i )'img );
    c := customerContainers.Current_item ( i );
  exception when BC.NOT_FOUND =>
    put_line( "BC.NOT_FOUND exception: no item at this position in the list" );
end list_demo;

This is a demo of the Booch components: single-linked lists

The list is newly declared.
The list is empty? TRUE
The list is shared? FALSE
The list length is 0

Added customer 7456
The list is empty? FALSE
The list is shared? FALSE
The list length is 1
The head item is customer id 7456
The foot item is customer id 7456

Appended customer 9362
The list length is 2
The head item is customer id 7456
The foot item is customer id 9362

Resetting the iterator..
The current item is customer id 7456
Are we done? FALSE
Advancing to the next item...
The current item is customer id 9362
Are we done? FALSE
Advancing to the next item...
Are we done? TRUE
BC.NOT_FOUND exception: no item at this position in the list

Single linked lists should not be Guarded.

18.1.4 Double linked Lists

Double linked lists are implemented exactly the same as single-linked lists except that the word "Double" is substituted for the word "Single".

Double linked lists are useful for lists that must be browsed backwards and forwards continuously.

Double linked lists should not be Guarded.

18.1.5 Bags

Bags, like linked lists, are collections of items. However, there is no attempt to order the items. Duplicate items can be stored, but the bag keeps a count of duplications to save memory instead of storing copies of the duplicates.

The bags package provides the following subprograms:

Bags can be bounded, dynamic or unbounded.

Bags are implemented using a hash table. To declare a bag, a program must provide a hash function for storing items in the bag, and must indicate the size of the hash table.

Here's an example. Notice that some of the subprograms are in the Bags instantiation, and some in the Bags.Unbounded instantiation. Also notice the iterator moves over the items, but not the duplications:

with BC.Containers.Bags.Unbounded;
with Global_Heap;

package customers is

  type aCustomerID is new integer range 1_000..9_999;

  function IDHash( id : aCustomerID ) return Positive;
  -- our hash function

  package customerContainers is new BC.Containers (Item => aCustomerID);
  -- create a new controlled tagged record container for customers

  package customerBags is new customerContainers.Bags;
  -- create a new bag support for our using container type

  package customerBag is new customerBags.Unbounded(
          Hash => IDHash,
          Buckets => 99,
          Storage_Manager => Global_Heap.Pool,
          Storage => Global_Heap.Storage);
  -- create an unbounded bag package holding customer numbers

end customers;

package body customers is

  function IDHash( id : aCustomerID ) return Positive is
  -- our hash function
    return Positive( id ); -- in this case, using the id is good enough
  end IDHash;

end customers;

with ada.text_io, BC, customers;
use ada.text_io, BC, customers;

procedure bag_demo is
  customers : customerBag.Unbounded_Bag;
  c         : aCustomerID;
  i         : customerContainers.Iterator'class := customerBag.New_Iterator( customers );
  Put_Line( "This is a demo of the Booch components: bags" );

  -- The Newly Declared Bag

  Put_Line( "The bag is newly declared." );
  Put_Line( "The bag is empty? " & customerBag.Is_Empty( customers )'img );
  Put_Line( "The bag extent is" & customerBag.Extent( customers )'img );
  Put_Line( "The bag total size is" & customerBags.Total_Size( customers )'img );

  -- Inserting a customer

  c := 7456;
  customerBags.Add( customers, c );

  Put_Line( "Added customer" & c'img );
  Put_Line( "The bag is empty? " & customerBag.Is_Empty( customers )'img );
  Put_Line( "The bag extent is" & customerBag.Extent( customers )'img );

  -- Inserting another customer

  c := 9362;
  customerBags.Add( customers, c );

  Put_Line( "Added customer" & c'img );
  Put_Line( "The bag is empty? " & customerBag.Is_Empty( customers )'img );
  Put_Line( "The bag extent is" & customerBag.Extent( customers )'img );
  Put_Line( "The bag total size is" & customerBags.Total_Size( customers )'img );

  -- Inserting duplicate customer

  c := 9362;
  customerBags.Add( customers, c );

  Put_Line( "Added customer" & c'img );
  Put_Line( "The bag is empty? " & customerBag.Is_Empty( customers )'img );
  Put_Line( "The bag extent is" & customerBag.Extent( customers )'img );
  Put_Line( "The bag total size is" & customerBags.Total_Size( customers )'img );

  -- Iterator example

  Put_Line( "Resetting the iterator.." );
  customerContainers.Reset( i );
  c := customerContainers.Current_item ( i );
  Put_Line( "The current item is customer id" & c'img );
  Put_Line( "Are we done? " & customerContainers.Is_Done( i )'img );

  Put_Line( "Advancing to the next item..." );
  customerContainers.Next( i );
  c := customerContainers.Current_item ( i );
  Put_Line( "The current item is customer id" & c'img );
  Put_Line( "Are we done? " & customerContainers.Is_Done( i )'img );

  Put_Line( "Advancing to the next item..." );
  customerContainers.Next( i );
  Put_Line( "Are we done? " & customerContainers.Is_Done( i )'img );
    c := customerContainers.Current_item ( i );
  exception when BC.NOT_FOUND =>
    put_line( "BC.NOT_FOUND exception: no item at this position in the bag" );
end bag_demo;

This is a demo of the Booch components: bags

The bag is newly declared.
The bag is empty? TRUE
The bag extent is 0
The bag total size is 0

Added customer 7456
The bag is empty? FALSE
The bag extent is 1

Added customer 9362
The bag is empty? FALSE
The bag extent is 2
The bag total size is 2

Added customer 9362
The bag is empty? FALSE
The bag extent is 2
The bag total size is 3

Resetting the iterator..
The current item is customer id 7456
Are we done? FALSE
Advancing to the next item...
The current item is customer id 9362
Are we done? FALSE
Advancing to the next item...
Are we done? TRUE
BC.NOT_FOUND exception: no item at this position in the bag

Bags are useful for counting the occurrences of an item in a large amount of data.

18.1.6 Sets

Sets are essentially the same as bags but may not contain duplicates. The are useful for detecting the presence/absence of an item, or representing flags or conditions.
with BC.Containers.Sets.Bounded;
with Global_Heap;

package fruit_sets is

  -- my grandfather owned one of the largest fruit companies in the world

  type aFruit    is ( Apples, Grapes, Peaches, Cherries, Pears, Plums, Other );

  function FruitHash( f : aFruit ) return Positive;
  -- our hash function for the set

  package fruitContainers is new BC.Containers( item=> aFruit );
  -- basic fruit container

  package fruitSets is new fruitContainers.Sets;
  -- basic set support

  package fruitBoundedSets is new fruitSets.Bounded( fruitHash,
     Buckets => 10,
     Size => 20 );
  -- our actual set is an unbounded set

end fruit_sets;

package body fruit_sets is

  function FruitHash( f : aFruit ) return Positive is
    return aFruit'pos( f )+1; -- good enough for this example
  end FruitHash;

end fruit_sets;

with ada.text_io, kb_sets;
use ada.text_io, kb_sets;

procedure set_demo is
  use fruitSets;
  use fruitBoundedSets;
  s1 : Bounded_Set;
  s2 : Bounded_Set;
  s3 : Bounded_Set;
  Put_Line( "This is a demo of the Booch components: sets" );

  Add( s1, apples );
  Add( s1, peaches );
  Add( s2, apples );
  Add( s2, peaches );
  Add( s2, pears );

  Put_Line( "Set 1 has apples and peaches." );
  Put_Line( "Set 2 has apples, peaches and pears." );
  Put_Line( "Extent of set 1? " & Extent( s1 )'img );
  Put_Line( "Extent of set 2? " & Extent( s2 )'img );
  Put_Line( "Peaches in set 1? " & Is_Member( s1, peaches )'img );
  Put_Line( "Pears   in set 1? " & Is_Member( s1, pears )'img );
  Put_Line( "Set 1 a subset of set 2? " & Is_Subset( s1, s2 )'img );
  Put_Line( "Set 2 a subset of set 1? " & Is_Subset( s2, s1 )'img );
  Put_Line( "Set 1 a subset of set 1? " & Is_Subset( s1, s1 )'img );
  Put_Line( "Set 1 a proper subset of set 1? " & Is_Proper_Subset( s1, s1 )'img );

  s3 := s1;
  Union( s3, s2 );
  Put_Line( "Set 3 is the union of set 1 and set 2" );
  Put_Line( "Extent of set 3? " & Extent( s3 )'img );
end set_demo;

This is a demo of the Booch components: sets

Set 1 has apples and peaches.
Set 2 has apples, peaches and pears.

Extent of set 1?  2
Extent of set 2?  3
Peaches in set 1? TRUE
Pears   in set 1? FALSE
Set 1 a subset of set 2? TRUE
Set 2 a subset of set 1? FALSE
Set 1 a subset of set 1? TRUE
Set 1 a proper subset of set 1? FALSE

Set 3 is the union of set 1 and set 2
Extent of set 3?  3

18.1.7 Collections

Collections are a (conceptually) combination of lists and bags. Duplicates actually exist as copies in the collection, not simply counted. Collections are also indexed, like a list, so that items can be referenced in the collection.

The Collections package provides the following subprograms:

Collections are implemented as dynamically allocated arrays.

with BC.Containers.Collections.Dynamic;
with Global_Heap;

package products is

  type aProduct is record
       id : integer;
       weight : float;
  end record;

  package productContainers is new BC.Containers (Item => aProduct);
  -- this is the basic container

  package productCollections is new productContainers.Collections;
  -- create a new collection support for our using container type

  package productCollection is new productCollections.dynamic(
          Storage_Manager => Global_Heap.Pool,
          Storage => Global_Heap.Storage);
  -- create a dynamic collection holding products

end products;

with ada.text_io, BC, products;
use ada.text_io, BC, products;

procedure collection_demo is
  products : productCollection.Dynamic_Collection;
  p        : aProduct;
  i        : productContainers.Iterator'class := productCollection.New_Iterator( products );
  Put_Line( "This is a demo of the Booch components: collections" );

  products := productCollection.Create( 100 );

  -- The Newly Declared Collection

  Put_Line( "The collection is newly declared with a chunk size of 100..." );
  Put_Line( "The collection is empty? " & productCollection.Is_Empty( products )'img );
  Put_Line( "The collection length is" & productCollection.Length( products )'img );
  Put_Line( "The collection chunk size is" & productCollection.Chunk_Size( products )'img );

  -- Adding an Item

  p.id := 8301;
  p.weight := 17.0;
  productCollection.Append( products, p );

  Put_Line( "Product id" & p.id'img & " was added..." );
  Put_Line( "The collection is empty? " & productCollection.Is_Empty( products )'img );
  Put_Line( "The collection length is" & productCollection.Length( products )'img );
  Put_Line( "The collection chunk size is" & productCollection.Chunk_Size( products )'img );
  p := productCollection.First( products );
  Put_Line( "The first item is" & p.id'img );
  p := productCollection.Last( products );
  Put_Line( "The last item is" & p.id'img );

  -- Adding another Item
  p.id := 1732;
  p.weight := 27.0;
  productCollection.Append( products, p );

  Put_Line( "Product id" & p.id'img & " was added..." );
  Put_Line( "The collection is empty? " & productCollection.Is_Empty( products )'img );
  Put_Line( "The collection length is" & productCollection.Length( products )'img );
  Put_Line( "The collection chunk size is" & productCollection.Chunk_Size( products )'img );
  p := productCollection.First( products );
  Put_Line( "The first item is" & p.id'img );
  p := productCollection.Last( products );
  Put_Line( "The last item is" & p.id'img );

  -- Changing the Chunk Size

  productCollection.Set_Chunk_Size( products, Size => 1 );

  Put_Line( "The chunk size was reduced to only 1..." );
  Put_Line( "The collection is empty? " & productCollection.Is_Empty( products )'img );
  Put_Line( "The collection length is" & productCollection.Length( products )'img );
  Put_Line( "The collection chunk size is" & productCollection.Chunk_Size( products )'img );
  p := productCollection.First( products );
  Put_Line( "The first item is" & p.id'img );
  p := productCollection.Last( products );
  Put_Line( "The last item is" & p.id'img );

  -- Iterator example

  Put_Line( "Resetting the iterator.." );
  productContainers.Reset( i );
  p := productContainers.Current_item ( i );
  Put_Line( "The current item is customer id" & p.id'img );
  Put_Line( "Are we done? " & productContainers.Is_Done( i )'img );

  Put_Line( "Advancing to the next item..." );
  productContainers.Next( i );
  p := productContainers.Current_item ( i );
  Put_Line( "The current item is customer id" & p.id'img );
  Put_Line( "Are we done? " & productContainers.Is_Done( i )'img );

  Put_Line( "Advancing to the next item..." );
  productContainers.Next( i );
  Put_Line( "Are we done? " & productContainers.Is_Done( i )'img );
    p := productContainers.Current_item ( i );
  exception when BC.NOT_FOUND =>
    put_line( "BC.NOT_FOUND exception: no item at this position in the collection" );

Collections are suitable for small lists or lists where the upper bound is known or rarely exceeded.

This is a demo of the Booch components: collections

The collection is newly declared with a chunk size of 100...
The collection is empty? TRUE
The collection length is 0
The collection chunk size is 100

Product id 8301 was added...
The collection is empty? FALSE
The collection length is 1
The collection chunk size is 100
The first item is 8301
The last item is 8301

Product id 1732 was added...
The collection is empty? FALSE
The collection length is 2
The collection chunk size is 100
The first item is 8301
The last item is 1732

The chunk size was reduced to only 1...
The collection is empty? FALSE
The collection length is 2
The collection chunk size is 1
The first item is 8301
The last item is 1732

Resetting the iterator..
The current item is customer id 8301
Are we done? FALSE
Advancing to the next item...
The current item is customer id 1732
Are we done? FALSE
Advancing to the next item...
Are we done? TRUE
BC.NOT_FOUND exception: no item at this position in the collection

18.1.8 Queues

Queues are a list in which items are removed in the same order they are added. Items are added at the end of the queue and removed at the front.

An ordered (or "priority") queue is a queue in which added items are sorted.

The queues package provides the following subprograms:

An ordered queue is identical except that append adds an item in sorted order.

Queues can be bounded, dynamic or unbounded.

Queues provide "fair" processing and reduce starvation.

18.1.9 Stacks

Stacks are lists in which the last item placed in the list is the first item removed.

The Stacks package provides the following subprograms:

Stacks can be bounded, dynamic or unbounded.

Stacks are used for temporary storage, compact representation and fast data access.

18.1.10 Deques

Deques (double-ended queues, pronounced "deck") are a combination of a stack and queue where items can be placed at the front or the back and removed from either the front or the back.

The Deques package provides the following subprograms:

Deques can be bounded, dynamic or unbounded.

18.1.11 Rings

Rings are similar to deques, but rings have no "front" or "back", only a moving point of reference called "top".

In addition to the deque subprograms, rings include "Mark" to mark a point in the ring, "Rotate_To_Mark" to move the ring to the marked position, and "At_Mark" to test to see if the top of the ring is at the mark.

Rings can be bounded or dynamic.

18.1.12 Maps

Maps are ordered pairs of related items. Each item is related to a "value" which may or may not be the same type. Maps relate items to values by "binding" them.

The Maps package provides the following subprograms:

Maps are implemented with a hash table and caching.

Maps can be bounded, dynamic, unbounded or synchronized.

Maps are useful as translation tables.

18.1.13 Binary Trees

Binary trees are lists with two successors instead of 1, named "left" and "right". The items in the tree are not sorted by the Booch component. The program has full control on how items are added to the tree.

Programs "walk" the tree by moving the root of the tree up and down the links to the items. Left_Child follows the left child link. Right_Child follows the right child link. Parent follows the parent link. Each of these subprograms can be used as a procedure (to move the root of the tree) or as a function (to examine the item the link connects to).

  item := Item_At( tree );
  Put( "Left child of " & item ) ;
  item := Item_At( Left_Child( tree ) );
  Put_Line( " is " & item ) ;

When the root of the tree is moved, any items above the new root that aren't referenced anymore are destroyed. To move around the tree without destroying nodes (which is typically what you want to do), create an "alias" to the root of the tree with Create prior to moving.

  root := Create( tree ); -- create a reference to the root
  Left_Child( tree );     -- safe: old root is not destroyed

Moving into an empty (null) position in the tree is allowed, but any attempt to look at the item there will raise an exception. The leaves and the parent of the root are empty.

The Trees.Binary package provides the following subprograms:

In addition, the tree may have an in_order, pre_order or post_order generic procedure. This procedure traverses the tree and executes processes each item. Pre_order processes an item before its children. Post_order processes an item after its children. In_order processes a node in the sort order of the tree--after all the left children but before all the right.

with BC.Containers.Trees.Binary.In_Order;
with BC.Containers.Trees.Binary.Pre_Order;
with BC.Containers.Trees.Binary.Post_Order;
with Global_Heap;

package shipment_binary is

  -- grandfather would be proud

  type aQuantity is ( Unknown, Basket_6Quart, Basket_11Quart, Bushel, Skid, Boxcar );
  type aFruit    is ( Apples, Grapes, Peaches, Cherries, Pears, Plums, Other );

  type aShipment is record
       number   : Positive;   -- number of containers
       quantity : aQuantity;  -- the containers
       contents : aFruit;     -- type of fruit
  end record;

  procedure visitShipment( s : aShipment; OK : out boolean );
  -- our tree traversal function

  package shipmentContainers is new BC.Containers( item=> aShipment );
  -- basic fruit container

  package shipmentTrees is new shipmentContainers.Trees;
  -- basic tree support

  package shipmentBinaryTrees is new shipmentTrees.Binary(
        Storage_Manager => Global_Heap.Pool,
        Storage => Global_Heap.Storage );
  -- our binary tree support

  procedure inOrdershipmentTraversal is new shipmentBinaryTrees.In_Order( visitShipment );
  -- an in-order traversal

  procedure preOrdershipmentTraversal is new shipmentBinaryTrees.Pre_Order( visitShipment );
  -- a pre-order traversal

  procedure postOrdershipmentTraversal is new shipmentBinaryTrees.Post_Order( visitShipment );
  -- a post-order traversal

end shipment_binary;

with ada.text_io;
use ada.text_io;

package body shipment_binary is

  procedure visitShipment( s : aShipment; OK : out boolean ) is
  -- our tree traversal function
     Put( "Shipment of" );
     Put( s.number'img );
     Put( " " );
     Put( s.quantity'img );
     Put( "(S) of " );
     Put_Line( s.contents'img );
     OK := true;
  end visitShipment;

end shipment_binary;

with ada.text_io, shipment_binary;
use ada.text_io, shipment_binary;

procedure bintree_demo is
  use shipmentBinaryTrees;
  root : Binary_Tree;
  t    : Binary_Tree;
  s    : aShipment;
  OK   : boolean;
  Put_Line( "This is a demo of the Booch components: binary trees" );

  -- this is the root item

  s.number := 5;
  s.quantity := basket_6quart;
  s.contents := cherries;
  Insert( t, s, Child => Left );
  -- child doesn't really matter because there's no prior item at the root

  root := Create( t ); -- remember where the root is

  -- add to left of root

  s.number := 7;
  s.quantity := basket_11quart;
  s.contents := pears;
  Append( t, s, Child => Left, After => Left );
  -- child doesn't really matter here

  -- add to right of root

  s.number := 12;
  s.quantity := bushel;
  s.contents := apples;
  Append( t, s, Child => Left, After => Right );
  -- child doesn't really matter here
  Left_Child( t );  -- move "t" down left branch

  s.number := 3;
  s.quantity := skid;
  s.contents := peaches;
  Append( t, s, Child => Left, After => Right );
  -- child doesn't really matter here

  Put_Line( "Our tree is: ");
  Put_Line( "          5 6 qt baskets of cherries" );
  Put_Line( "                         |" );
  Put_Line( "       +----------------------------------------------------+" );
  Put_Line( "       |                                                    |" );
  Put_Line( "7 11 qt baskets of pears                          12 bushels of apples" );
  Put_Line( "       |" );
  Put_Line( "       +-------------------------------|" );
  Put_Line( "                               3 skids of peaches" );

  Put_Line( "In-order traversal:" );
  inOrderShipmentTraversal( root, OK );
  if not OK then
     Put_Line( "The traversal was interrupted" );
  end if;

  Put_Line( "Pre-order traversal:" );
  preOrderShipmentTraversal( root, OK );
  if not OK then
     Put_Line( "The traversal was interrupted" );
  end if;

  Put_Line( "Post-order traversal:" );
  postOrderShipmentTraversal( root, OK );
  if not OK then
     Put_Line( "The traversal was interrupted" );
  end if;

end bintree_demo;

This is a demo of the Booch components: binary trees

Our tree is: 
          5 6 qt baskets of cherries
       |                                                    |
7 11 qt baskets of pears                          12 bushels of apples
                               3 skids of peaches

In-order traversal:
Shipment of 7 BASKET_11QUART(S) of PEARS
Shipment of 3 SKID(S) of PEACHES
Shipment of 5 BASKET_6QUART(S) of CHERRIES
Shipment of 12 BUSHEL(S) of APPLES

Pre-order traversal:
Shipment of 5 BASKET_6QUART(S) of CHERRIES
Shipment of 7 BASKET_11QUART(S) of PEARS
Shipment of 3 SKID(S) of PEACHES
Shipment of 12 BUSHEL(S) of APPLES

Post-order traversal:
Shipment of 3 SKID(S) of PEACHES
Shipment of 7 BASKET_11QUART(S) of PEARS
Shipment of 12 BUSHEL(S) of APPLES
Shipment of 5 BASKET_6QUART(S) of CHERRIES

Binary trees should not be Guarded.

18.1.14 AVL Trees

AVL trees are binary trees that are balanced. On every insert or delete, the tree is restructured to keep its symmetry. As a result, the trees must be sorted by the Booch component and the program using the AVL tree must provide a "<" function to sort the tree by.

The AVL package provides fewer subprograms than the binary tree package:

There are no subprograms for walking the tree.

Here is a sample declaration:

with BC.Containers.Trees.AVL;
with Global_Heap;

package fruit_avl is

  -- more fun with fruit

  type aQuantity is ( Unknown, Basket_6Quart, Basket_11Quart, Bushel, Skid, Boxcar );
  type aFruit    is ( Apples, Grapes, Peaches, Cherries, Pears, Plums, Other );

  type aShipment is record
       number   : Positive;   -- number of containers
       quantity : aQuantity;  -- the containers
       contents : aFruit;     -- type of fruit
  end record;

  function sortCriteria( left, right : aShipment ) return boolean;
  -- for sorting the AVL tree

  package shipmentContainers is new BC.Containers( item=> aShipment );
  -- basic fruit container

  package shipmentTrees is new shipmentContainers.Trees;
  -- basic tree support

  package shipmentAVLTrees is new shipmentTrees.AVL(
        Storage_Manager => Global_Heap.Pool,
        Storage => Global_Heap.Storage );
  -- our AVL tree support

end fruit_avl;

package body fruit_avl is

  function sortCriteria( left, right : aShipment ) return boolean is
    return left.number < right.number;
  end sortCriteria;

end fruit_avl;

AVL trees have slower inserts and deletes than binary trees but are faster than a normal binary tree for searching.

18.1.15 Multiway Trees

A multiway tree is a tree with any number of unsorted children (as opposed to a binary tree which always has no more than two chidren).

The subprograms are similar to a binary tree. The append procedures add child items to an item. A new function called "Arity" returns the number children an item has.

Multiway trees should not be Guarded.

18.1.16 Graphs

Essentially, graphs are a generalization of maps where any number of items can be related to each other (as opposed to only two).

A directed graph is a set of items (vertices) that are connected by relationships (edges or "arcs"). Like a single linked list, a program can only move forward along an arc.

Items can also be linked to themselves.

The graphs-directed package provides the following subprograms:

There are four iterators: a graph iterator, and three iterators for visiting items (incoming, outgoing and both).

An undirected graph is a directed graph with pointers to both the previous and next item along an arc. Like a double linked list, a program can move forwards or backwards along an arc.

The graphs-undirected package provides the following subprograms:

There are two iterators: a graph iterator and an item iterator.

Graphs should not be Guarded.

18.1.17 Smart Pointers

Smart pointers are an access type that counts the number of references to the item being pointed to. Your program allocates the item. The item is deallocated when no more pointers point to it. Smart pointers are a simplified form of garbage collection.

The smart package provides the following subprograms:

with BC.smart;

package depts is

  type departments is ( accounting, information_technology, shipping, human_resources );
  type deptAccess  is access all departments;
  package deptPtrs is new BC.smart( departments, deptAccess );

end depts;

with ada.text_io, depts;
use ada.text_io, depts;

procedure sp_demo is
  accountingPtr  : deptPtrs.Pointer;
  accounting2Ptr : deptPtrs.Pointer;
  department     : deptAccess;
  Put_Line( "This is a demo of the Booch components: smart pointers" );

  department := new departments'( accounting );

  Put_Line( "Assigning dynamically allocate value to a smart pointer" );
  accountingPtr := deptPtrs.Create( department );
  Put_Line( "The accounting pointer points at " & deptPtrs.Value( accountingPtr ).all'img );

  Put_Line( "Assigning a smart pointer to a smart pointer" );
  accounting2Ptr := accountingPtr;
  Put_Line( "The accounting pointer 2 points at " & deptPtrs.Value( accounting2Ptr ).all'img );

  Put_Line( "The memory is released when the program ends or no more pointers" );
  Put_Line( "access the memory." );
end sp_demo;

This is a demo of the Booch components: smart pointers

Assigning dynamically allocate value to a smart pointer
The accounting pointer points at ACCOUNTING

Assigning a smart pointer to a smart pointer
The accounting pointer 2 points at ACCOUNTING

The memory is released when the program ends or no more pointers
access the memory.

18.1.18 Booch Multithreading

Booch components can be guarded (manually "locking" the structure for exclusive access) or synchronized (implicit blocking) for multithreading purposes.

Guarding is implemented by creating extending a container type to a Guarded_Container using the GC.Containers.Guarded package. Guarded containers contain two new subprograms, "Seize" and "Release", to lock and unlock a container. (This is implemented using a semaphore.) Any Booch data structure can be made guarded using guarded containers, but in some cases guarding will not work as expected and should not be used (for example, with lists).

The basic semaphore locks individual objects (although it many not work as expected on certain structures such as lists, according to AdaPower.Net). The basic semaphore can be extended and customized by a programmer.

Rewriting the Bags example with guards:

with BC.Containers.Bags.Unbounded;
with BC.Containers.Guarded;
with BC.Support.Synchronization;
with Global_Heap;

package guarded_customers is

  type aCustomerID is new integer range 1_000..9_999;

  function IDHash( id : aCustomerID ) return Positive;
  -- our hash function

  package customerContainers is new BC.Containers (Item => aCustomerID);
  -- this is the basic container

  package customerBags is new customerContainers.Bags;
  -- create a new bag support for our using container type

  package customerBag is new customerBags.Unbounded(
          Hash => IDHash,
          Buckets => 99,
          Storage_Manager => Global_Heap.Pool,
          Storage => Global_Heap.Storage);
  -- create an unbounded bag holding customer numbers

  package customerGuardedBag is new customerContainers.Guarded (
     Base_Container => customerBag.Unbounded_Bag,
     Semaphore => BC.Support.Synchronization.Semaphore );
  -- create a new controlled tagged record container for customers

end guarded_customers;

A new guarded bag can now be declared:

  customers : customerGuardedBag.Guarded_Container;

and the bag can be locked using

  customerGuardedBag.Seize( customers );

Synchronized access by threads is implemented in special versions of the data structure packages (for example, maps.synchronized). With synchronized packages, the implementation details are hidden from the user.


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