<--Chapter 20 | Table of Contents | Appendix B--> |
ls lists the files in the current directory
[root@armitage temp]# ls typescript
touch create a new, blank file. If the file exists, changes the time it was last modified but otherwise leaves the file unchanged.
[root@armitage temp]# touch temp.txt [root@armitage temp]# ls temp.txt typescript
rm permanently remove a file
[root@armitage temp]# rm temp.txt rm: remove `temp.txt'? y
Note: Red Hat defines aliases for rm, mv and cp that prompt before they overwrite or erase a file. Most other distributions use the default behaviour, which is to take action without warning. You can disable Red Hat's aliases with the unalias command.
mv change the name of a file, or move it to a new location
[root@armitage temp]# touch temp.txt [root@armitage temp]# mv temp.txt temp2.txt [root@armitage temp]# ls temp2.txt typescript
cp copy a file
[root@armitage temp]# cp temp2.txt temp3.txt [root@armitage temp]# ls temp2.txt temp3.txt typescript
grep search a file for a word or phrase
[root@armitage temp]# grep "procedure" /home/ken/ada/basicio2.adb procedure basicio2 is
find search for a file
[root@armitage temp]# find /home/ken -type f -name basicio3.adb /home/ken/ada/basicio3.adb
lpr print a file
[root@armitage temp]# lpr basicio3.adb
lprm stop printing a file, if the file hasn't started printing yet
[root@armitage temp]# lprm dfA017Aa01370 dequeued cfA017Aa01370 dequeued
lpq list your files waiting to be printed
[root@armitage temp]# lpq no entries
cat display a file
[root@armitage temp]# cat hello.adb with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure hello is begin Put_Line( "Hello world!" ); end hello;less display a file one screen at a time, allowing you to move around
[root@armitage temp]# less basicio.adbtr translate characters. To translate a DOS text file to a Linux text file, use
tr d ‘\r' < dos.txt > linux.txt
<--Chapter 20 Table of Contents Appendix B-->