<--Appendix E Table of Contents Glossary-->  


Appendix F: Overview of GNAT Packages

This is an overview of some of the more useful packages included with Gnat 3.13p's more than 300 standard packages:

File Package Description
a-astaco Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control Unimplemented
a-caldel Ada.Calendar.Delays Sleeping using Calendar types
a-acalend Ada.Calendar Standard Ada Caledar package
a-chahan Ada.Characters.Handling Standard Ada character handling package
a-chlat1 Ada.Characters.Latin_1 Standard Latin 1 Character set definition
a-coliea Ada.Command_Line.Environment Standard Ada environment package
a-colire Ada.Command_Line.Remove Unset environment variables
a-comlin Ada.Command_Line Standard Ada command arguments package
a-cwila1 Ada.Characters.Wide_Latin_1 Standard Ada Latin 1 Wide character set
a-decima Ada.Decimal Limits and def'ns for Decimal types
a-adiocs Ada.Direct_IO.C_Streams Generic package for reading/writing C direct files
a-adireio Ada.Direct_IO Standard Ada generic direct I/O package
a-dynpri Ada.Dynamic_Priorities Changing task priorities on-the-fly
a-except Ada.Exceptions Standard Ada exception handling package
a-exctr Ada.Exceptions.Traceback Support for exception tracebacks
a-filico Ada.Finalization.List_Controller Support for controlled tagged records
a-finali Ada.Finalization Standard Ada controlled tagged record package
a-flteio Ada.Float_Text_IO Instantiated Text_IO for floats
a-fwteio Ada.Float_WideText_IO Instantiated Wide_Text_IO for floats
a-inteio Ada.Integer_Text_IO Instantiated Text_IO for integers
a-interr Ada.Interrupts Standard Ada signal handling package
a-intnam Ada.Interrupts.Names Linux signal names
a-ioexce Ada.IO_Exceptions I/O exceptions used in std packages
a-iwteio Ada.Integer_Wide_Text_IO Instantiated Wide_Text_IO for integers
a-lfteio Ada.Long_Float_Text_IO Instantiated Text_IO for long floats
a-lfwtio Ada.Long_Float_Wide_Text_IO Instantiated Wide_Text_IO for long floats
a-liteio Ada.Long_Integer_Text_IO Instantiated Text_IO for long integers
a-liwtio Ada.Long_Integer_Wide_Text_IO Instantiated Wide_Text_IO for long integers
a-llftio Ada.Long_Long_Float_Text_IO Instantiated Text_IO for long long floats
a-llfwti Ada.Long_Long_Float_Wide_Text_IO Inst. Wide_Text_IO for long long floats
a-llitio Ada.Long_Long_Integer_Text_IO Inst. Text_IO for long long integers
a-lliwti Ada.Long_Long_Integer_Wide_Text_IO Inst. Wide_Text_IO for long long integers
a-ncelfu Ada.Numerics.Complex_Elementary_Function Inst. of std ops for complex nbrs
a-ngcefu Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Elementary_Functions Generic package of std ops for complex nbrs
a-ngcoty Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types Generic complex numbers package
a-ngelfu Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions Generic std ops for complex numbers
a-nlcefu Ada.Numerics.Long_Complex_Elementary_Functions Inst. of std ops for long complex nbrs
a-nlcoty Ada.Numerics.Long_Complex_Types Instantiation of long float complex nbrs
a-nlelfu Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions Instantiation of std ops for long floats
a-nllcef Ada.Numerics.Long_Long_
Inst. of std ops for long long complex nbrs
a-nllcty Ada.Numerics.Long_Long_
Instantiation of long long float complex nbrs
a-nllefu Ada.Numerics.Long_Long_
Inst. of std ops for long long floats
a-nscefu Ada.Numerics.Short_Complex_
Inst. of std ops for short float complex nbrs
a-nscoty Ada.Numerics.Generic_Complex_Types Instantiation of short float complex nbrs
a-nselfu Ada.Numerics.Short_Elementary_Functions Inst. of std ops for short floats
a-nucoty Ada.Numerics.Complex_Types Instantiation of float complex numbers
a-nudira Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random Generic integer random number package
a-nuelfu Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Function Inst. of std ops for float complex nbrs
a-nuflra Ada.Numerics.Float_Random Floating point random number package
a-numaux Ada.Numerics.Aux Internal use
a-numeri Ada.Numerics Defn's of Pi and epsilon
a-reatim Ada.Real_Time Real-time timing declarations
a-retide Ada.Real_Time.Delays Sleeping using real-time types
a-sequio Ada.Sequential_IO Standard Ada generic sequential I/O package
a-sfteio Ada.Short_Float_Text_IO Instantiated Text_IO package for short floats
a-sfwtio Ada.Short_Float_Wide_Text_IO Instantiated Wide_Text_IO package for short floats
a-siocst Ada.Sequential_IO.C_Streams Generic package for reading/writing sequential C files
a-siteio Ada.Short_Integer_Text_IO Instantiated Text_IO package for short integers
a-siwtio Ada.Short_Integer_Wide_Text_IO Inst. Wide_Text_IO package for short integers
a-ssicst Ada.Streams.Stream_IO.C_Streams Package for reading/writing C streams
a-ssitio Ada.Short_Short_Integer_Text_IO Inst. Text_IO package for short short integers
a-ssiwti Ada.Short_Short_Integer_
Inst. Wide_Text_IO package for short short integers
a-stmaco Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants Upper_Set, Lower_Set and other char mappings
a-storio Ada.Storage_IO -
a-strbou Ada.Strings.Bounded Standard Ada bounded strings package
a-stream Ada.Streams Standard Ada streams package
a-strfix Ada.Strings.Fixed Standard Ada fixed strings package
a-string Ada.Strings Standard Ada string defn's
a-strmap Ada.Strings.Maps Standard Ada string mapping package
a-strsea Ada.Strings.Search Internal Use
a-strunb Ada.Strings.Unbounded Standard Ada unbounded strings package
a-ststio Ada.Streams.Stream_IO Standard Ada streams I/O package
a-stunau Ada.Streams.Unbounded.Aux Additional unbounded string subprograms
a-stwibo Ada.Strings.Wide_Bounded Wide bounded strings package
a-stwifi Ada.Strings.Wide_Fixed Wide fixed strings package
a-stwima Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps Wide version of strings.maps
a-stwise Ada.Strings.Wide_Search Internal Use
a-stwiun Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded Wide unbounded strings package
a-suteio Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Text_IO Unbounded strings package
a-swmwco Ada.Strings.Wide_Maps.Wide_Constant Upper_Set, Lower_Set and other wide char mappings
a-swuwti Ada.Strings.Wide_Unbounded.Wide_Text_IO Wide unbounded strings package
a-sytaco Ada.Synchronous_Task_Control Subprograms to synchronize tasks
a-tags Ada.Tags Standard Ada tag package
a-tasatt Ada.Task_Attributes Set/get task attributes
a-taside Ada.Task_Identification Task ID package
a-teioed Ada.Text_IO.Editing Package for formatted Text_IO
a-textio Ada.Text_IO Standard generic Text_IO package
a-ticoau Ada.Text_IO.Complex_Aux Basic long long complex I/O package
a-ticoio Ada.Text_IO.Complex_IO Generic Text_IO package for complex numbers
a-tideau Ada.Text_IO.Decimal_Aux Internal Use
a-tideio Ada.Text_IO.Decimal_IO Internal Use
a-tienau Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_Aux Internal Use
a-tienio Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO Internal Use
a-tifiio Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO Internal Use
a-tiflau Ada.Text_IO.Float_Aux Internal Use
a-tiflio Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO Internal Use
a-tigeau Ada.Text_IO.Generic_Aux Internal Use
a-tiinau Ada.Text_IO.Integer_Aux Internal Use
a-tiinio Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO Internal Use
a-timoau Ada.Text_IO.Modular_Aux Internal Use
a-timoio Ada.Text_IO.Modular_IO Internal Use
a-tiocst Ada.Text_IO.C_Streams Text_IO for reading/writing C text files
a-titest Ada.Text_IO.Text_Streams Text_IO stream definition
a-unccon Ada.Unchecked_Conversion Standard Ada unchecked conversions subprogram
a-uncdea Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation Standard Ada unchecked deallocation subprogram
a-witeio Ada.Wide_Text_IO Text_IO package for wide characters
a-wtcoau Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Complex_Aux Basic Text_IO package for long long float complex numbers
a-wtcoio Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Complex_IO Generic Wide_Text_IO package for complex numbers
a-wtcstr Ada.Wide_Text_IO.C_Streams Wide_Text_IO package for reading/writing wide C text files
a-wtdeau Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Decimal_Aux Internal Use
a-wtdeio Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Decimal_IO Internal Use
a-wtedit Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Editing Package for formatted Wide_Text_IO
a-wtenau Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Enumeration_Aux Internal Use
a-wtenio Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Enumeration_IO Internal Use
a-wtfiio Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Fixed_IO Internal Use
a-wtflau Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Float_Aux Internal Use
a-wtflio Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Float_IO Internal Use
a-wtgeau Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Generic_Aux Used by wide character IO generic packages
a-wtinau Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Integer_Aux Internal Use
a-wtinio Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Integer_IO Internal Use
a-wtmoau Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Modular_Aux Internal Use
a-wtmoio Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Modular_IO Internal Use
a-wttest Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Text_Streams Definition of wide text I/O streams
g-busora GNAT.Bubble_Sort_A Bubblesort using access types
g-busorg GNAT.Bubble_Sort_G Generic bubblesort package
g-calend GNAT.Calendar Ada.Calendar plus day of week, second duration, etc.
g-casuti GNAT.Case_Util Character case conversion without Characters.Handling
g-catiio GNAT.Calendar.Time_IO Formatted I/O for time values, like Linux strftime()
g-comlin GNAT.Command_Line More powerful than Ada.Command_Line, like Linux getopts()
g-curexc GNAT.Current_Exception DEC Ada 83 / VADS Ada style exception handling
g-debpoo GNAT.Debug_Pools Storage pool with allocation and dereference error checking
g-debuti GNAT.Debug_Utilities Program debugging utilities: eg. system address output
g-dirope GNAT.Directory_Operations Linux directory changing, creating, walking
g-except GNAT.Exceptions Ada predefined exceptions for pure packages
g-flocon GNAT.Float_Control Set the floating point processor back to the Gnat defaults
g-hesora GNAT.Heap_Sort_A Heapsort package using access types
g-hesorg GNAT.Heap_Sort_G Generic heapsort package
g-htable GNAT.HTable Generic hash table package
g-io GNAT.IO Text I/O for preelaborated packages
g-io_aux GNAT.IO_Aux Get_Line functions and file existence test for Text_IO
g-locfil GNAT.Lock_Files Package for locking files/directories with retry capability
g-os_lib GNAT.OS_Lib Package for common Linux O/S operations
g-regexp GNAT.Regexp Simple package for Linux globbing pattern matching and Ada BNF
g-regpat GNAT.Regpat Package providing full UNIX regular expression pattern matching
g-speche GNAT.Spell_Checker Check for a typo, similar to my Typo_Of in TextTools
g-spipat GNAT.Spitbol.Pattern Package providing SPITBOL pattern matching
g-spitbo GNAT.Spitbol SPITBOL string processing data structures
g-sptabo GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Boolean Boolean type SPITBOL table
g-sptain GNAT.Spitbol.Table_Intege Integer type SPITBOL table
g-sptavs GNAT.Spitbol.Table_VString Unbounded string type SPITBOL table
g-table GNAT.Table Dynamic one-dimensional arrays package
g-tasloc GNAT.Task_Lock Package for protecting critical regions in tasks
g-thread GNAT.Threads Import C threads as Ada tasks
g-traceb GNAT.Traceback Non-symbolic traceback support
g-trasym GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic Symbolic tracebacks
i-c Interfaces.C Standard Ada C interfacing package
i-cexten Interfaces.C.Extensions Additional C types not covered by Interfaces.C
i-cobol Interfaces.COBOL Standard Ada COBOL interfacing package
i-cpoin Interfaces.C.Pointers C style pointer arithmetic
i-cpp Interfaces.CPP GNAT C++ class interfacing package
i-csthre Interfaces.C.Sthreads Dummy package
i-cstrea Interfaces.C_Streams Thin binding to C sequential files
i-cstrin Interfaces.C.Strings GNAT C string operations
i-fortra Interfaces.Fortran Standard Ada Fortran interfacing package
i-os2err Interfaces.OS2Lib.Errors OS/2 error codes
i-os2lib Interfaces.OS2Lib OS/2 support
i-os2syn Interfaces.OS2Lib.Synchronization OS/2 support
i-os2th Interfaces.OS2Lib.Threads OS/2 support
i-pacdec Interfaces.Packed_Decimal Packed decimal fixed types support for Machine_Radix 10 computers
i-vxwork Interfaces.VxWorks VxWords API support
i-addimg System.Address_Image Function returning a system.address image
s-arit64 System.Arith_64 64 bit arithmetic with support for intermediate results > 64 bits
s-atacco System.Address_To_Access_Conversions Converting between simple pointers and access types
s-bitops.ads System.Bit_Ops Low-level bitwise operations for 1, 2 or 4 bytes
s-chepoo System.Checked_Pools Storage pool with a function called for any dereference
i-exngen Exn_Float_Type Generic function for signed integer exponentiation
s-pooglo System.Pool_Global normal heap for GNAT global access types
s-pooloc System.Pool_Local normal heap for GNAT local access types
s-powtab System.Powten_Table table of powers of 10
s-stoele System.Storage_Elements Standard Ada package

  <--Appendix E Table of Contents Glossary-->