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Chapter Review
Access types and dynamic data structures are used to create linked lists, which
are an extremely important data structure in computing. Linked lists are found
in nearly every kind of computer application: Spreadsheet processing, operating
system modules, compilers, and many others commonly employ linked lists and
other dynamic data structures.
The new Ada constructs introduced in this chapter are described in Table 14.1.
Table 14.1
Summary of New Ada Constructs
Statement Effect
TYPE NodePointer IS ACCESS ListNode; Declares an access (pointer)
type whose variables can point to
values of type ListNode
P: NodePointer; and two variables of the access type
Q: NodePointer;
PROCEDURE Dispose IS NEW Instantiates a predefined generic
Unchecked_Deallocation procedure to give an operation to
(Object => ListNode, Name => NodePointer); return tree nodes to
the storage pool
P := NEW ListNode; Allocates a list node and stores a
pointer to it in P
Q := P; Copies one pointer value to another
Q.ALL := P.ALL; Copies one record's contents
to the other
- Differentiate between dynamic and nondynamic data structures.
- Define a simple linked list. Indicate how the pointers are utilized to
establish a link between nodes. Also indicate any other variables that would be
needed to reference the linked list.
- Write a procedure that links a node into an existing list. Parameters are
a pointer to the head of the linked list and a pointer to the node to be
inserted. Assume dummy sentinel records exist at the beginning and end of the
linked list and there are no duplicate records.
Given the following type
definitions, insert the new element, preserving ID order:
TYPE Node;
Name : String(1..10);
GPA : NonNegFloat;
Link : PTR
- Write an algorithm to remove a node (identified by
from an ordered list that does not contain a dummy record at the beginning.
- Write the necessary procedures to duplicate all elements in one linked
list that have a GPA of 3.5 or above in another linked list. The original list
is ordered by ID number; the new list should be ordered by GPA. Do not remove
nodes from the existing list. Assume the list nodes are type
as described in question 3. Parameters will be a pointer to the head of the
existing list and to the head of the new linked list (GPAHead
- Declare a node for a two-way, or doubly linked, list, and indicate how a
traversal would be made in reverse order (from the last list element to the
list head). Include any variables or fields that are necessary.
- Write a procedure which attaches one list to the end of another. Note that
this procedure destroys the original lists.
- Write a function which returns the concatenation of two lists L1 and L2,
that is, a list containing copies of all the nodes of L1 followed by copies of
all the nodes of L2. Note that this function does not destroy either L1
or L2.
- Write a procedure which deletes from an ordered list L the first
node containing a given word.
- Write a procedure which deletes from an ordered list L the last
node containing a given word.
- Write a procedure which deletes from an ordered list L all nodes
containing a given word.
- Write a function which takes two ordered lists as inputs, then returns a
list in which the two input lists are merged. That is, if L1 contains "ABC,"
"HIJ,"and "PQR" and L2 contains "DEF," "HIJ," "MNO," and "STU," the result list
contains "ABC," "DEF," HIJ," "HIJ," "MNO," PQR," and "STU".
- Complete the generic package given in Section
14.6, writing the body and
the remaining operations. Also correct the design flaw in
and RemoveFront
, so that the latter returns
the discarded node to the storage pool and the former returns all nodes
in the list to the storage pool. (Hint: MakeEmpty
must loop
through the list, returning each node one at a time.)
- Sometimes a list node is declared to have two pointers, one to the
next node and one to the previous node. Develop a package for such doubly
linked lists, and write the operations so that advantage is taken of the fact
that each node points to its predecessor as well as its successor.
Specifically, how does having the extra pointers simplify operations like
ordered insertion and deletion?
- Modify your employee data base system from Chapter 10 so that the data
base is represented as an instance of the generic list package from Section 14.6.
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