When writing IF
statements, remember not to put a semicolon after
, and always to put semicolons after the
other statements. Also do not forget the required END IF;
at the
end of the entire structure. Also remember that the end of an IF
statement is always written END IF
(two words), while the
alternatives of a multiple-alternative IF
are written
(one word, only one E
When writing multiple-alternative IF
statements, be careful to put
the alternatives in an order that is correct for the problem being solved.
When writing a package, be sure that everything you promise in the specification is delivered in the body and that the parameter list for each function or procedure in the specification matches exactly the corresponding procedure or function header in the body. Remember that you must compile the package specification without compilation errors before you can attempt to compile the package body.
If the body of a package is changed, but not the specification, do not recompile the specification, but just recompile the body and repeat the link step. If you recompile the specification, all programs that use the package will have to be recompiled.
Copyright © 1996 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.