In the discussion of repetition in programs, we mentioned that we would like to be able to execute the payroll program for several employees in a single run. We will see how to do this next.
Modify the payroll program to compute gross pay and net pay for a group of employees.
The number of employees must be provided as input data along with the hourly rate and hours worked by each employee. The same set of variables will be used to hold the data and computational results for each employee. The computations will be performed in the same way as before.
Data Requirements
Problem Constants
maximum salary for no tax deduction (TaxBracket = 100.0
amount of tax deducted (Tax = 25.00
maximum hours without overtime pay (MaxHours = 40.0
Problem Inputs
number of employees (NumEmp : Positive
hours worked by each employee (Hours : NonNegFloat
hourly rate for each employee (Rate : NonNegFloat
Problem Outputs
gross pay (Gross : NonNegFloat
net pay (Net : NonNegFloat
1. Prompt for the number of employees (NumEmp
2. FOR
each employee LOOP
Enter payroll data and compute and print gross and net pay.
An additional variable is needed to count the number of employees processed and
to control the FOR
loop in step 2.
Program Variable
loop counter--counts the employees that are processed:
(CountEmp : Positive
The structure chart is shown in Figure 5.1. (The structure chart for the subproblem "find gross and net pay" was drawn in Figure 4.3.)
Figure 5.1
Program 5.7 gives the entire program. Notice how the code is very similar to that in the original program, with the addition of a few more declarations and the loop construct. Sample output is given for three employees.
Program 5.7
WITH Ada.Text_IO; WITH Ada.Integer_Text_IO; WITH Ada.Float_Text_IO; PROCEDURE Multi_Payroll IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Computes and displays gross pay and net pay for a number --| of employees, given each employee's hourly rate and hours worked. --| Deducts a tax of $25 if gross salary exceeds $100; --| otherwise, deducts no tax. --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: July 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBTYPE NonNegFloat IS Float RANGE 0.0 .. Float'Last; TaxBracket : CONSTANT NonNegFloat := 100.00; -- maximum salary for no deduction Tax : CONSTANT NonNegFloat := 25.00; -- tax amount NumEmp: Positive; -- input - number of employees Hours : NonNegFloat; -- inputs - hours worked, hourly rate Rate: NonNegFloat; Gross: NonNegFloat; -- outputs - gross pay, net pay Net: NonNegFloat; BEGIN -- Multi_Payroll Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Please enter number of employees > "); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Get (Item => NumEmp); FOR CountEmp IN 1 .. NumEmp LOOP -- Enter Hours and Rate Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "Employee number "); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (Item => CountEmp, Width => 1); Ada.Text_IO. New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => " Hours worked > "); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get (Item => Hours); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => " Hourly rate > "); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get (Item => Rate); -- Compute gross salary Gross := Hours * Rate; -- Compute net salary IF Gross > TaxBracket THEN Net := Gross - Tax; -- Deduct a tax amount ELSE Net := Gross; -- Deduct no tax END IF; -- Print Gross and Net Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => " Gross salary is $"); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put (Item => Gross, Fore => 1, Aft => 2, Exp => 0); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "; Net salary is $"); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put (Item => Net, Fore => 1, Aft => 2, Exp => 0); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END LOOP; END Multi_Payroll;Sample Run
Please enter number of employees > 3 Employee number 1 Hours worked > 40 Hourly rate > 6.50 Gross salary is $260.00; Net salary is $235.00 Employee number 2 Hours worked > 37.5 Hourly rate > 7.25 Gross salary is $271.88; Net salary is $246.88 Employee number 3 Hours worked > 39.5 Hourly rate > 6.50 Gross salary is $256.75; Net salary is $231.75
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