A conditional looping structure, the WHILE
statement, was used to
implement loops whose repetition is controlled by a condition. The
statement is useful when the exact number of repetitions
required is not known before the loop begins. In designing a WHILE
loop, we must consider both the loop control and loop processing operations
that must be performed. Separate Ada statements are needed for initializing and
updating variables appearing in the loop repetition condition.
One common technique for controlling the repetition of a WHILE
loop is using a special sentinel value to indicate that all required data have
been processed. In this case, an input variable must appear in the loop
repetition condition. This variable is initialized when the first data value is
read (priming read), and it is updated at the end of the loop when the next
data value is read. Loop repetition terminates when the sentinel value is read.
The use of assertions and loop invariants in loop verification and loop design was also introduced. We will use loop invariants to document the processing performed by the loop body.
This chapter also introduced the general LOOP
and EXIT
statements and showed how they are used in Ada to implement robust input
with exception handling.
Writing procedures is an important part of programming, and this technique was also introduced in this chapter. Finally, a package providing robust numeric input operations was developed.
Table 6.3
Summary of New Ada Constructs
Construct Effect
Sum := 0; A series of data items is WHILE Sum <= MaxSum LOOP read; their sum is accumulated Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item=>"Next integer > "); in Sum. This process stops Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Get(Item=>Next); when the accumulated sum Sum := Sum + Next; exceeds MaxSum. END LOOP;Procedure with Parameters
PROCEDURE A (X : IN Float; Procedure A has two IN parameters Op : IN Character; and one IN OUT parameter XTo3 : IN OUT Float) IS If Op is '*',then the value returned is X * X * X; otherwise, BEGIN --A if Op is '+', then the value returned is IF Op = '*' THEN X + X + X; otherwise, an error XTo3 := X * X * X; message is printed. A result is ELSIF Op = '+' THEN returned by assigning a new value to XTo3 := X + X + X; the actual parameter (a variable) ELSE that corresponds to parameter XTo3. Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Invalid"); END IF; END A;Procedure Call Statement
A (X=>5.5, Op=>'+', XTo3=>Y); Calls procedure A. 5.5 is passed into X, '+' is passed into Op, and the value 16.5 is stored in Y.Exception-Handler Block
BEGIN If Y + Z is out of range for X, X := Y + Z; "Out of Range" is displayed; Y := A / G; If G=0, A cannot be EXCEPTION divided by G and "Overflow" is WHEN Constraint_Error => displayed. Control passes to Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item=>"Out of Range"); the statement following END WHEN Numeric_Error => Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item=>"Overflow"); END;
loop is called a __________ loop.
loop is always used for counting. (True or False?)
loop is what kind of statement?
When is it used?
loop body never executes. (True or
to sum and display a collection
of payroll amounts entered at the standard input device until a sentinel value
of -1 is entered. Use a WHILE
4.0, 2.0, 8.0, 4.0 1.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0 9.0, 3.0, 3.0, 1.0 -22.0, 10.0, 8.0, 2.0 WITH Ada.Text_IO; WITH Ada.Float_Text_IO; PROCEDURE Slope IS Sentinel CONSTANT Float := 0.0; Slope, y2, y1, x2, x1 : Float; BEGIN -- Slope Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Enter four real numbers > "); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get(Item => y2); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get(Item => y1); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get(Item => x2); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get(Item => x1); Slope := (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); WHILE Slope /= Sentinel LOOP Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Slope is "); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put(Item => Slope, Fore=>1, Aft=>2, Exp=>0); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Enter four real numbers > "); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get(Item => y2); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get(Item => y1); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get(Item => x2); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get(Item => x1); Slope := (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); END LOOP; END Slope;
a. Loop invariants are used in loop verification.
b. Loop invariants are used in loop design.
c. A loop invariant is always an assertion.
d. An assertion is always a loop invariant.
that has one input
parameter called Grade
and that will display the corresponding
letter grade using a straight scale (90-100 is an A, 80-89 is a B, etc.).
parameters, and IN OUT
= 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + N (the sum of all integers from 1
to N). Then compute Fast
= (N x (N + 1)) / 2
and compare Fast
and Slow
. Your program should print
both Fast
and Slow
and indicate whether or not they
are equal. (You will need a loop to compute Slow
.) Which
computation method is preferable?
63 75 72 72 78 67 80 63 75 90 89 43 59 99 82 12 100
In addition, print each exam score and its category.
a. read in the case inventory for each brand for the start of the week;
b. process all weekly sales and purchase records for each brand; and
c. display the final inventory. Each transaction will consist of two data
items. The first item will be the brand identification number (an integer). The
second will be the amount purchased (a positive integer value) or the amount
sold (a negative integer value). The weekly inventory for each brand (for the
start of the week) will also consist of two items: the identification and
initial inventory for that brand. For now, you may assume that you always have
sufficient foresight to prevent depletion of your inventory for any brand.
(Hint: Your data entry should begin with eight values representing the
case inventory. These should be followed by the transaction values.)
) so that the
range of the input data is checked explicitly with an IF
instead of including a handler for Constraint_Error
. Could you
eliminate exception handling altogether? (Hint: How would you deal with
the case of an alphabetic character being entered instead of an integer?)
NG = .5(LG + (N / LG))
where NG
stands for next guess and
stands for last guess. Write a function that implements this
process where the first parameter will be a positive float number, the second
will be an initial guess of the square root, and the third will be the computed
The initial guess will be the starting value of LG
. The
procedure will compute a value for NG
using the formula above. The
difference between NG
and LG
is checked to see
whether these two guesses are almost identical. If so, the procedure is exited
and NG
is the square root; otherwise, the new guess
) becomes the last guess (LG
) and the process is
repeated (i.e., another value is computed for NG
, the difference
is checked, etc.).
For this program the loop should be repeated until the difference is less than 0.005 (Delta). Use an initial guess of 1.0 and test the program for the numbers: 4.0, 120.5, 88.0, 36.01, 10000.0.
(Programs 6.13
and 6.14) which causes the spider
to move to the northeast corner of its room. Now add and test three more
commands SECorner
, SWCorner
, and
, which cause the spider to move to the other corners.
Copyright © 1996 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.