We have introduced the concept of sorting and sort procedures in earlier chapters. The utility of a sort procedure is greatly enhanced if it can be used with a wide variety of arguments. In this section we develop a sort that will work for arrays of the same unconstrained type but differing bounds; in Section 11.4 we will exploit the full generality of Ada's generics to create a sort that will work with any unconstrained array type at all, regardless of its index type or element type.
You are employed in the customer-support department of a software company. the toll-free telephone system is open seven days a week, and your supervisor is interested in knowing how many calls arrive each day and also in seeing the data presented in order of increasing number of calls. That is, the day with the fewest calls will appear first and the day with the most calls will appear last. Your supervisor might also wish to see the data for weekdays or weekend days only.
Since you are experienced in data handling, you realize that this is basically a sorting problem, and so you develop a sort program that will work with arrays of call records. The program should handle correctly arrays of one through seven elements, so that, for example, just the weekdays or just the weekend days can be sorted.
Data Requirements
Probem Inputs
a set of up to seven pairs of data, each giving a day of the week (type
) and a number of calls (type Natural
Problem Outputs
a display of the data pairs, sorted in order of increasing number of calls
Here is a good application of unconstrained array types. Let us define the types
TYPE Days IS (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun); SUBTYPE DayRange IS Natural RANGE 0..6; TYPE CallRecord IS RECORD DayOfWeek : Days; NumberOfCalls: Natural; TYPE Callers IS ARRAY(DayRange RANGE <>) OF CallRecord;and write a procedure
capable of exchanging two elements of
type Natural
. The procedure SelectSort
will implement
a very simple sorting algorithm called exchange sort.
We have already developed a simple sorting algorithm and procedure SelectSort in Section 8.10. We can just adapt the sort procedure to the current record strucure; the algorithm is unchanged.
gives the modified sort procedure SelectSort
, together with
auxiliary procedures Exchange
and DisplayCallers
. The
main program declares three arrays of type Callers
with differing
bounds and illustrates the sort procedure operating on the three arrays in
turn. Note how the attributes are used in SelectSort
to make the
procedure independent of the bounds of the parameter.
Program 11.2
WITH Ada.Text_IO; WITH Ada.Integer_Text_IO; PROCEDURE Phone_Service IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Shows sorting of unconstrained arrays and slices --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: September 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBTYPE DayRange IS Natural RANGE 0..6; SUBTYPE Weekdays IS DayRange RANGE 0..4; SUBTYPE Weekend IS DayRange RANGE 5..6; TYPE Days IS (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun); TYPE CallRecord IS RECORD DayOfWeek : Days; NumberOfCalls: Natural; END RECORD; TYPE Callers IS ARRAY(DayRange RANGE <>) of CallRecord; PACKAGE Days_IO IS NEW Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO(Enum => Days); ThisWeek: Callers(DayRange); WeekdayCallers: Callers(Weekdays); WeekendCallers: Callers(Weekend); PROCEDURE DisplayCallers (List: Callers) IS -- Pre: List is defined -- Post: display all elements in the vector BEGIN -- DisplayCallers FOR Count IN List'Range LOOP Days_IO.Put (Item=>List(Count).DayOfWeek, Width=>3); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (Item=>List(Count).NumberOfCalls, Width=>4); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END LOOP; Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END DisplayCallers; PROCEDURE Exchange(Value1, Value2: IN OUT CallRecord) IS -- Pre: Value1 and Value2 are defined -- Post: Value1 and Value2 are interchanged TempValue: CallRecord; BEGIN -- Exchange TempValue := Value1; Value1 := Value2; Value2 := TempValue; END Exchange; PROCEDURE SelectSort(List: IN OUT Callers) IS -- Pre: List is defined -- Post: elements of List are arranged in ascending order IndexOfMax: DayRange; BEGIN FOR PositionToFill IN List'First..List'Last - 1 LOOP IndexOfMax := PositionToFill; FOR ItemToCompare IN PositionToFill + 1..List'Last LOOP IF List(ItemToCompare).NumberOfCalls < List(PositionToFill).NumberOfCalls THEN IndexOfMax := ItemToCompare; END IF; END LOOP; -- assert: element at List(PositionToFill) -- is smallest in subarray IF IndexOfMax /= PositionToFill THEN Exchange(List(PositionToFill),List(IndexOfMax)); END IF; END LOOP; END SelectSort; BEGIN -- Phone_Service ThisWeek := ((Mon, 12), (Tue, 23), (Wed, 100), (Thu, 40), (Fri, 52), (Sat, 17), (Sun, 2)); WeekdayCallers := ThisWeek(Weekdays); WeekendCallers := ThisWeek(Weekend); Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item=> "Testing SelectSort for telephone callers"); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item=> "Here is ThisWeek before sorting."); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; DisplayCallers(List => ThisWeek); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; SelectSort(List => ThisWeek); Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item=> "Here is ThisWeek after upward sorting."); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; DisplayCallers(List => ThisWeek); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item=> "Here is WeekdayCallers before sorting."); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; DisplayCallers(List => WeekdayCallers); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; SelectSort(List => WeekdayCallers); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item=> "Here is WeekdayCallers after upward sorting."); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; DisplayCallers(List => WeekdayCallers); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item=> "Here is the WeekendCallers before sorting."); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; DisplayCallers(List => WeekendCallers); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; SelectSort(List => WeekendCallers); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item=> "Here is WeekendCallers after upward sorting."); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; DisplayCallers(List => WeekendCallers); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END Phone_Service;Sample Run
Testing SelectSort for telephone callers Here is ThisWeek before sorting. MON 12 TUE 23 WED 100 THU 40 FRI 52 SAT 17 SUN 2 Here is ThisWeek after upward sorting. SUN 2 MON 12 TUE 23 SAT 17 THU 40 FRI 52 WED 100 Here is WeekdayCallers before sorting. MON 12 TUE 23 WED 100 THU 40 FRI 52 Here is WeekdayCallers after upward sorting. MON 12 TUE 23 FRI 52 THU 40 WED 100 Here is the WeekendCallers before sorting. SAT 17 SUN 2 Here is WeekendCallers after upward sorting. SUN 2 SAT 17Unconstrained arrays and slicing make it easier to write programs that deal with partially filled arrays. Look again at Program 8.16, in which an array of scores is sorted. If the score array type were defined as an unconstrained type similar to
, and the
variable Scores
were declared as an array object similar to
, then the procedure SelectSort
would need only a
single parameter--namely, the name of the actual array to be sorted. Once
was partially filled, the slice
could be passed as the single actual
parameter. You can make this change as an exercise.
is defined as an unconstrained array
type and SelectSort
requires only a single parameter.
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