Up to this point we have seen only generic functions and procedures. In this section, we develop a generic package, namely, one for representing discrete sets, or sets of integers or enumeration values.
Sets are very important both in mathematics and in computer applications. Given a universe of objects or values, a set S is just a collection of objects belonging to that universe. Some common universes are the integers, the positive integers, alphabet letters, and so on. Sets are so important in programming that some languages, especially Pascal, provide sets as a predefined type. Ada does not have a predefined set type; in this section we will show an ADT that will emulate Pascal's predefined type, using a generic package.
Often sets are described just by listing their members between braces, as in the set {a,b} taken from the universe of English alphabet letters. In general, there is no ordering associated with a set, so {a,b} and {b,a} usually describe the same set. Two sets are said to be equal if they have the same members. A set is said to be empty if it has no members. In cases where there is no ordering, it also makes no difference if we name a member twice, so {a,b,a} = {b,a,b} = {a,b}.
values. The most important dyadic
constructor operations are:
An often-used monadic constructor is the complement -S, which returns the set containing all elements in the universe which are not members of S.
We will use + and * to represent the union and intersection, respectively, because the union and intersection symbols are not part of the ASCII character set. For example, if the universe is the letters a..k, inclusive, and S = {a,d,e,g} and T = {b,c,d,e,k}, then
S+T = {a,b,c,d,e,g,k}
S*T = {d,e}
S-T = {a,g} and T-S = {b,c,k}
-S = {b,c,f,h,i,j,k}
Finally, two more inquiry operations are commonly used:
if and only if all members of S are also members of T
if and only if S C= T and S /= T, that is, at least one
member of T is not a member of SBecause the subset symbols are also missing from ASCII, we use < and < for improper and proper subset, respectively. For example, {b,c} < {a,b,c,d,e} and {b,c} < {a,b,c,d,e} but is not a subset of {c,e}. Also, {a,b} < {a,b}.
Mathematically, sets can be infinite (all the integers, for example). In programming applications, however, it is finite sets that are most interesting. Therefore we confine ourselves to representing finite sets, and specifically to sets taken from finite universes of integers or enumeration values. As we shall see, it is easy to use Ada's generic facility to build a package providing a good but more flexible approximation of the predefined set facility of Pascal.
A universe is either an integer subtype or an enumeration type, which means
that a universe also happens to be a valid index range for arrays. Choosing a
universe, we implement a set as a one-dimensional array of Boolean
values, with index range corresponding to that universe. Given a set S
represented in this fashion, if a given member of the universe is a member of
S, we let the corresponding element of S be True; otherwise we let that element
be False
. This representation is often called the
characteristic function or bit map of a set, and is an especially
compact way to represent a large set. For example, suppose we choose the
universe a..g. Every set over this universe is represented as a
array indexed a..g, and specifically the set S = {a,d,e,g}
is represented as
Now let us devise a generic Ada package for this ADT. A framework for the generic part of the specification is
GENERIC TYPE Universe IS (<>); PACKAGE Sets_Generic IS . . . END Sets_Generic;
The second line specifies a generic parameter which can match any discrete type, that is, any enumeration type or integer subtype. This is exactly what we need for our finite, discrete, universes.
11.14 gives the desired specification, complete with a private part
defining the type Set
. Making sets a PRIVATE
allows client programs to copy sets and check them for inequality using the
predefined :=
, =
, and /=
operations but
prohibits clients from direct access to the implementation of sets. This leaves
us, the package writer, the flexibility to change the implementation of sets
without requiring any code changes in client programs.
Program 11.14
GENERIC TYPE Universe IS (<>); -- any integer or enumeration type PACKAGE Sets_Generic IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Generic specification for sets over discrete universes --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: September 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE Set IS PRIVATE; Phi: CONSTANT Set; -- empty set -- constructors FUNCTION "+" (S: Set; E: Universe) RETURN Set; FUNCTION "-" (S: Set; E: Universe) RETURN Set; -- Pre: S and E are defined -- Post: returns S with E inserted or deleted respectively; -- "+" has no effect if IsIn(S,E); "-" has none if NOT IsIn(S,E) FUNCTION Singleton(E: Universe) RETURN Set; FUNCTION "+" (E1, E2: Universe) RETURN Set; -- Pre: E, E1, and E2 are defined -- Post: returns a set made from one or two elements FUNCTION "+" (S, T : Set) RETURN Set; FUNCTION "*" (S, T : Set) RETURN Set; FUNCTION "-" (S, T : Set) RETURN Set; -- Pre: S and T are defined -- Post: returns the union, intersection, and difference of -- S and T, respectively FUNCTION "-" (S : Set) RETURN Set; -- Pre: S is defined -- Post: returns the complement of S -- selectors FUNCTION IsIn (S : Set; E : Universe) RETURN Boolean; -- Pre: S and E are defined -- Post: returns True if and only if E is a member of S FUNCTION IsEmpty (S : Set) RETURN Boolean; -- Pre: S is defined -- Post: returns True if and only if S is empty FUNCTION SizeOf (S : Set) RETURN Natural; -- Pre: S is defined -- Post: returns the number of members in S FUNCTION "<=" (S, T : Set) RETURN Boolean; FUNCTION "<" (S, T : Set) RETURN Boolean; -- Pre: S and T are defined -- Post: returns True if and only if S is -- an improper or proper subset of T, respectively PRIVATE TYPE SetArray IS ARRAY (Universe) OF Boolean; TYPE Set IS RECORD Store: SetArray := (OTHERS => False); END RECORD; Phi: CONSTANT Set := (Store => (OTHERS => False)); END Sets_Generic;Note in the type definition that the
array is stored in a
record. This is to allow us to initialize all sets by default to the empty set:
Recall that Ada allows us to default-initialize only objects of a record type.
Note also the constant Phi
, which we use to represent the empty
set. The constant is partially declared at the top of the specification, then
completed in the private part, after the full type definition for the
type is given.
The operations to insert and delete a member are shown as operators
and "-"
, respectively, so that given a set
and an element E
, the expressions S +
and S - E
are meaningful. We include two additional
constructor operators: Singleton
, which creates a singleton set--a
set with a single member--from its element parameter, and another
operator to create a set from two elements. Specifying all
these operations as functions makes it easy to create a set with the desired
membership. For example, a client program could instantiate
as follows:
SUBTYPE SmallNatural is NATURAL RANGE 0..15); PACKAGE NaturalSets IS NEW Sets_Generic(Universe => SmallNatural);and then, having declared a variable,
S: NaturalSets.Set;can include the odd small naturals in
S := 7 + 3 + 13 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 11 + 15;
11.15 shows the body of the package Sets_Generic
. Note that
the union, intersection, and difference operators construct their results by
looping through the sets, finding elementwise AND
, and NOT
Program 11.15
PACKAGE BODY Sets_Generic IS ------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Body of generic sets package --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: September 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- constructors FUNCTION "+" (S: Set; E: Universe) RETURN Set IS Result: Set := S; BEGIN -- "+" Result.Store (E) := True; RETURN Result; END "+"; FUNCTION "-" (S: Set; E: Universe) RETURN Set IS Result: Set := S; BEGIN -- "-" Result.Store (E) := False; RETURN Result; END "-"; FUNCTION Singleton(E: Universe) RETURN Set IS BEGIN -- Singleton RETURN Phi + E; END Singleton; FUNCTION "+" (E1, E2: Universe) RETURN Set IS BEGIN -- "+" RETURN Phi + E1 + E2; END "+"; FUNCTION "+" (S, T : Set) RETURN Set IS Result: Set; BEGIN -- "+" FOR E IN Universe LOOP Result.Store(E) := S.Store(E) OR T.Store(E); END LOOP; RETURN Result; END "+"; FUNCTION "*" (S, T : Set) RETURN Set IS Result: Set; BEGIN -- "*" FOR E IN Universe LOOP Result.Store(E) := S.Store(E) AND T.Store(E); END LOOP; RETURN Result; END "*"; FUNCTION "-" (S, T : Set) RETURN Set IS Result: Set; BEGIN -- "-" FOR E IN Universe LOOP Result.Store(E) := S.Store(E) AND NOT T.Store(E); END LOOP; RETURN Result; END "-"; FUNCTION "-" (S : Set) RETURN Set IS Result: Set; BEGIN -- "-" FOR E IN Universe LOOP Result.Store(E) := NOT S.Store(E); END LOOP; RETURN Result; END "-"; -- selectors FUNCTION IsIn (S : Set; E : Universe) RETURN Boolean IS BEGIN -- IsIn RETURN S.Store (E); END IsIn; FUNCTION IsEmpty (S : Set) RETURN Boolean IS BEGIN -- IsEmpty RETURN S = Phi; END IsEmpty; FUNCTION SizeOf (S : Set) RETURN Natural IS Result: Natural := 0; BEGIN -- SizeOf FOR E IN Universe LOOP IF S.Store(E) THEN Result := Result + 1; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN Result; END SizeOf; FUNCTION "<=" (S, T : Set) RETURN Boolean IS BEGIN -- "<=" RETURN (S + T) = T; END "<="; FUNCTION "<" (S, T : Set) RETURN Boolean IS BEGIN -- "<" RETURN S /= T AND THEN S <= T; END "<"; END Sets_Generic;
11.16 shows an example of how Sets_Generic
might be used. An
enumeration type Instruments
is declared, representing common
musical instruments. The generic package is instantiated for these, and
variables are created representing different kinds of musical ensembles,
depending on the instruments usually found in them. The program shows one local
procedure DisplayEnsemble
which operates by using an instance of
and iterating through an ensemble to
display only those instruments present in that ensemble.
Program 11.16
WITH Ada.Text_IO; WITH Sets_Generic; PROCEDURE Music_Makers IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Example of the use of Sets_Generic, to create musical ensembles --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: September 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE Instruments IS (Violin, Viola, Cello, BassViol, -- classical strings Piano, Harpsichord, Organ, -- classical keyboards Clarinet, Saxophone, -- single-reed woodwinds Oboe, Bassoon, -- double-reed woodwinds Flute, Piccolo, -- flutes Trumpet, Trombone, FrenchHorn, Tuba, -- brass Tympani, Snare, TomTom, BassDrum, -- drums Cymbals, Triangle, Bells, Marimba, -- percussion Guitar, Banjo, Ukelele, -- folk strings Accordion, Keyboard); -- miscellaneous PACKAGE Music_IO IS NEW Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO(Enum => Instruments); PACKAGE Ensembles IS NEW Sets_Generic (Universe => Instruments); USE Ensembles; SUBTYPE Ensemble IS Ensembles.Set; -- nickname for this program Strings: CONSTANT Ensemble := Violin + Viola + Cello + BassViol; Brasses: CONSTANT Ensemble := Trumpet + Trombone + FrenchHorn + Tuba; JazzDrums: CONSTANT Ensemble := Snare + TomTom + BassDrum + Cymbals; JazzCombo: Ensemble; StringQuartet: Ensemble; PhillyStringBand: Ensemble; RockBand: Ensemble; PROCEDURE DisplayEnsemble(Band: Ensemble) IS BEGIN FOR Instrument IN Instruments LOOP IF IsIn(Band, Instrument) THEN Music_IO.Put(Instrument); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END IF; END LOOP; Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END DisplayEnsemble; BEGIN -- Music_Makers JazzCombo := JazzDrums + Guitar + BassViol + Trumpet; Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Jazz Combo:"); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; DisplayEnsemble(Band => JazzCombo); PhillyStringBand := Guitar + Ukelele + Banjo + Accordion + Saxophone + Snare + BassDrum; Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Philly String Band:"); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; DisplayEnsemble(Band => PhillyStringBand); StringQuartet := Strings - BassViol; Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "String Quartet:"); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; DisplayEnsemble(Band => StringQuartet); RockBand := Guitar + Keyboard + JazzDrums; Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Rock Band:"); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; DisplayEnsemble(Band => RockBand); END Music_Makers;Sample Run
, reveals the
author's Philadelphia upbringing: this city is the home of the String Band,
which--as can be seen from the instruments--contains more than strings, and no
violins. A large number of String Bands march in Philadelphia's New Year's Day
parade; prizes are awarded to the groups having the most imaginative costumes
as well as the best music.
As an exercise, you can create some of your favorite musical ensembles. Try creating a brass band and a symphony orchestra. This example highlights one of the difficulties in using sets in the pure mathematical sense: Because duplicate elements do not change the set, we cannot, using this representation, keep track of just how many of each instrument are in a particular ensemble--only the instrument types are represented.
Copyright © 1996 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.