This section examines three familiar problems and implements a recursive procedure or function to solve each.
Provide a recursive solution to the problem of displaying the elements of an array in reverse order.
If the array X
has elements with subscripts
, the element values should be displayed in the
sequence X(X'Last)
, X(X'Last-1)
, ..., X(X'First+1)
. The stopping case is displaying an array with one
element; the solution is to display that element. For larger arrays, the
recursive step is to display the last array element (X(X'Last)
and then display the subarray with subscripts X'First..X'last-1
Data Requirements
Problem Inputs
an array of integer values (X : IntArray
Problem Outputs
the array values in reverse order (X(X'Last)
, ... , X(X'First+1)
1. IF
X'First = X'Last
(i.e., if slice X
has only one element), THEN
2. Display X(X'Last)
3. Display X(X'Last)
4. Display the subarray with subscripts X'First..X'Last-1
Program 13.7 implements the recursive algorithm and gives a test program.
Program 13.7
WITH Ada.Text_IO; WITH Ada.Integer_Text_IO; PROCEDURE Test_Print_Backward IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Demonstration of recursive procedure to print an array backward --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: July 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE IntArray IS ARRAY(Integer RANGE <>) OF Integer; Test: IntArray(1..10); PROCEDURE PrintBackward (X : IntArray) IS -- Prints a slice of an integer array X with bounds X'First..X'Last. -- Pre : Array X is defined and X'First <= X'Last. -- Post: Displays X(X'Last), X(X'Last-1), ... , X(X'First) BEGIN -- PrintBackward IF X'First = X'Last THEN -- stopping case -- slice has only one element Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put(Item => X(X'Last), Width => 3); ELSIF X'First > X'Last THEN -- error in specifying slice bounds Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Error in bounds of array slice"); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; ELSE -- recursive step Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put(Item => X(X'Last), Width => 3); PrintBackward (X => X(X'First..X'Last-1)); END IF; END PrintBackward; BEGIN -- Test_Print_Backward Test := (1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19); PrintBackward(X => Test(1..3)); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END Test_Print_Backward;Sample Run
5 3 1
Given the following array type and variable:
TYPE IntArray IS ARRAY(Integer RANGE <>) OF Integer; Test: IntArray(1..3);the procedure call
results in the three Put
statements being executed in the order
indicated below, and the elements of Test
will be printed backward
as desired.
Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (Item => Test(3)); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (Item => Test(2)); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (Item => Test(1));
To verify this we trace the execution of the procedure call statement above in Figure 13.4.
Trace of PrintBackward(Test(1..3))
Each rightward arrow indicate a recursive procedure call; each leftward arrow indicates a return to the previous level.
Call PrintBackward
with parameter Test(1..3)
Display Test(3)
Call PrintBackward
with parameter Test(1..2)
Display Test(2)
Call PrintBackward
with parameter Test(1..1)
Display Test(1)
Return from third call.
Return from second call.
Return from original call.
As shown, there are three calls to procedure PrintBackward
each with different parameters. The procedure returns always occur in the
reverse order of the procedure calls; in other words, we return from the last
call first, then we return from the next to last call, and so on. This time
there are no statements left to execute after the returns, because the
recursive call
PrintBackward ( X( X'First..X'Last-1))occurs at the end of the recursive step.
Provide a recursive procedure that displays the elements of an array in normal order.
We can use the approach just followed to display the elements of an array in normal order. Again the stopping case is an array with just one element.
Data Requirements
Problem Inputs
an array of integer values (X : IntArray
Problem Outputs
the array values in normal order (X( X'First)
X( X'First+1)
, ... , X( X'Last-1)
X( X'Last)
1. IF
X'First = X'Last
(i.e., if slice X
has only one element) THEN
2.Display X(X'Last)
3. Display the subarray with subscripts X'First..X'Last-1
4. Display X(X'Last)
The only difference between this algorithm and the one shown earlier is that steps 3 and 4 are transposed.
The implementation and testing is left as an exercise.
You might be wondering if there are any special performance problems associated with passing arrays through a series of recursive calls. Recall that the Ada standard does not specify whether an array is passed to a subprogram by creating a local copy or by just passing its address. A compiler writer can choose to do it either way.
If indeed the array is passed by copying, hypothetically a large array might
be copied many times in a recursive call, leading to a huge consumption of
space for all the local copies and time for the copying. In practice, however,
this is not a cause for concern because in most Ada compilers, if the array to
be passed is longer than just a few elements, only its address is passed.
Declaring an array parameter with mode IN
(or unspecified mode)
guarantees that it cannot be modified by the subprogram.
A palindrome is a string or sentence that reads the same backward and forward. RADAR is a palindrome. When the Biblical first man met the Biblical first woman, he might have said "Madam, I'm Adam," which is a palindrome if one neglects the punctuation. (Adam, in his first fit of anger, might also have said "Mad am I, Madam.") The problem is to write a program that discovers whether a string of 80 characters or less is a palindrome.
Our program can discover whether a string is a palindrome by first finding the reverse of the string, then checking whether the string is the same as its reverse.
Data Requirements
Problem Inputs
the input string (S: String)
Problem Outputs
a message to the user indicating whether S
is a palindrome.
1. Find the reverse R
of the given string S
2. IF
is equal to S,
the original string is a palindrome
the original string is not a palindrome
Step 1 Refinement
1.1. IF
is empty or has only one character,
1.2. R
is the same as S
1.3. Remove the first character of S
, and concatenate it to
the reverse of the rest of S
Step 1.3 contains the words "to the reverse of the rest of S.
Because the purpose of the step is to find the reverse, this suggests a
recursive algorithm. Step 1.1 tests for the stopping case; step 1.2 implements
the stopping case. We can write this as a recursive code fragment:
IF S'Length <= 1 THEN RETURN S; ELSE RETURN StringReverse(S(S'First+1..S'Last)) & S(S'First);; END IF;
The recursive call passes the tail of S,
that is,
with the first character removed. We call our recursive function
and not Reverse
because the latter is a
reserved word in Ada, which we cannot use for anything else.
13.8 shows the program Palindrome
, which uses the recursive
just described. To make the output illustrate the
recursion better, we have included an output statement in
that just displays the value of the parameter to
this function. In the sample run you can observe that the string passed to
is shorter and shorter. Note also that we are using
to read the string, then passing only the useful slice to
Program 13.8
WITH Ada.Text_IO; PROCEDURE Palindrome IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Display the reverse of a string of 80 characters or less, and --| indicate whether the string is a palindrome --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: July 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Input: String(1..80); -- the input string Last : Natural; -- index of input string's last character R : String(1..80); -- the reverse of the input string -- local function StringReverse FUNCTION StringReverse(S: String) RETURN String IS -- returns the reverse of a string -- Pre: S is defined -- Post: returns the reverse of S BEGIN -- StringReverse -- these are just to illustrate the recursion Ada.Text_IO.Put(S); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; IF S'Length <= 1 THEN RETURN S; ELSE RETURN StringReverse(S(S'First+1..S'Last)) & S(S'First); END IF; END StringReverse; BEGIN -- Palindrome FOR Trial IN 1..5 LOOP Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "Please enter a string of 80 characters or less."); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line(Item => Input, Last => Last); R(1..Last) := StringReverse(Input(1..Last)); Ada.Text_IO.Put("The reverse of the string is "); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => R(1..Last)); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; IF R (1..Last) = Input (1..Last) THEN Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "The string is a palindrome."); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; ELSE Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "The string is not a palindrome."); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END IF; Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END LOOP; END Palindrome;Sample Run
Please enter a string of 80 characters or less. radar radar adar dar ar r The reverse of the string is radar The string is a palindrome. Please enter a string of 80 characters or less. Madam, I'm Adam Madam, I'm Adam adam, I'm Adam dam, I'm Adam am, I'm Adam m, I'm Adam , I'm Adam I'm Adam I'm Adam 'm Adam m Adam Adam Adam dam am m The reverse of the string is madA m'I ,madaM The string is not a palindrome. Please enter a string of 80 characters or less. madamimadam madamimadam adamimadam damimadam amimadam mimadam imadam madam adam dam am m The reverse of the string is madamimadam The string is a palindrome. Please enter a string of 80 characters or less. abc abc bc c The reverse of the string is cba The string is not a palindrome. Please enter a string of 80 characters or less. X X The reverse of the string is X The string is a palindrome.As you can see from the second and third test cases, this program treats blanks and punctuation marks as ordinary characters and so does not discover that "Madam, I'm Adam" is a palindrome. As an exercise, you can improve this program so that blanks and punctuation are ignored, and uppercase letters are treated the same as lowercase ones.
on an array that has the integers 5, 8, 10, 1 stored
in consecutive elements.
. The recursive step should shift the slice
down one element into the subarray X(1..N-1)
(i.e., X(1)
gets X(2)
, X(2)
, ... X(N-1)
gets X(N)
), store the
old X(1)
in X(N)
, and then reverse the subarray
Copyright © 1996 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.