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14.5 System Structures: a Generic Version of the Linked List Package

We now build a generic version of our list package so that the element type is not restricted to three-character strings. The specification for Lists_Generic is given as Program 14.11.

Program 14.11
Generic Linked List Package

  TYPE ElementType IS PRIVATE;
  WITH PROCEDURE DisplayElement (Item: IN ElementType);
PACKAGE Lists_Generic IS
--| Specification for generic singly linked lists 
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: September 1995                                     


  ListEmpty: EXCEPTION;

  PROCEDURE MakeEmpty (L : IN OUT List);
  -- Pre:    L is defined
  -- Post:   L is empty

  FUNCTION IsEmpty (L : IN List) RETURN Boolean;
  -- Pre:    L is defined
  -- Post:   returns True if L is empty, False otherwise

  PROCEDURE AddToFront (L: IN OUT List; Element: IN ElementType);
  -- Pre:  Element is defined; L may be empty
  -- Post: Element is inserted at the beginning of L

  FUNCTION RetrieveFront (L: IN List) RETURN ElementType;
  -- Pre:    L is defined; L may be empty
  -- Post:   returns a complete copy of the list L
  -- Raises: ListEmpty if the list is empty before the retrieval
  PROCEDURE RemoveFront (L: IN OUT List);
  -- Pre:    L is defined; L may be empty
  -- Post:   The first node of L is removed
  -- Raises: ListEmpty if the list is empty before the removal
  PROCEDURE AddToEnd (L: IN OUT List; Element: IN ElementType);
  -- Pre:  Element is defined; L may be empty
  -- Post: Element is appended to the end of L
  PROCEDURE Copy (Target: OUT List; Source: IN List);
  -- Pre:  Source may be empty
  -- Post: Returns a complete copy of Source in Target

  PROCEDURE Display (L: IN List);
  -- Pre:  L may be empty
  -- Post: displays the contents of L's Element fields, in the 
  --   order in which they appear in L


  TYPE ListNode;
  TYPE ListPtr IS ACCESS ListNode;
    Element: ElementType;
    Next: ListPtr;

    Head: ListPtr;
    Tail: ListPtr;

END Lists_Generic;

The generic parameters are ElementType, the element to be contained in each list node, and DisplayElement. The latter parameter is needed because the Display operation needs to know exactly how to display each element of the list. It cannot simply call Ada.Text_IO.Put as in the nongeneric version because the element type is not necessarily a string. For example, if we had

    SUBTYPE NameType IS String (1..20);
we could instantiate the package as
    PACKAGE NameLists IS
      NEW Lists_Generic 
        (ElementType => NameType, DisplayElement => Ada.Text_IO.Put);
Of course, this would display all the names on the list on a single line. To tailor the DisplayElement operation better, we could write, in our client program,
    PROCEDURE DisplayName (Item: NameType) IS
      Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => Item);
    END DisplayName;
and instantiate the list package as
    PACKAGE NameLists IS
      NEW Lists_Generic 
        (ElementType => NameType, DisplayElement => DisplayName);
Similarly, if ElementType were some record type, we would need only to provide a procedure to display one record, and then instantiate the list package with that procedure supplied as the parameter.

Now look at the type declaration for the list type:

We have changed the list from PRIVATE to LIMITED PRIVATE. This is because while a PRIVATE type allows assignment and equality test, a LIMITED PRIVATE type has no predefined operations at all, prohibiting even these two. As mentioned in Section 14.3, it is desirable to disallow these operations for linked lists because they are misleading, copying and comparing only the header pointers instead of the list itself.

Operations in the Generic Linked List Package

Declaring the list type as LIMITED PRIVATE necessitates changing the list Copy operation from a function to a procedure:
    PROCEDURE Copy (Target: OUT List; Source: IN List);
because writing
    L2 := Copy (L1);
is no longer allowed (the := is prohibited). Copying is done now by writing
    Copy (Target => L2, Source => L1);
that is, as a procedure call.

To give us more flexibility in using the package, we have added four additional operations:

    PROCEDURE MakeEmpty (L : IN OUT List);
    FUNCTION IsEmpty (L : IN List) RETURN Boolean;
    FUNCTION RetrieveFront (L: IN List) RETURN ElementType;
    PROCEDURE RemoveFront (L: IN OUT List);
The behavior of these operations is obvious from the postconditions. RemoveFront results in a list like:

Linked List

while MakeEmpty produces a list like:

Linked List

We show MakeEmpty and RemoveFront as Program 14.12 and Program 14.13, respectively. Note that these operations, as written, do not use Unchecked_Deallocation to return the discarded nodes to the storage pool. Therefore, they remain allocated but completely inaccessible. Over a long program execution, if these operations were done repeatedly, the storage pool would be exhausted and Storage_Error would be raised. We leave it as an exercise to correct this design flaw and to complete the other operations in the package.

Program 14.12
Procedure MakeEmpty

SEPARATE (Lists_Generic)
PROCEDURE MakeEmpty (L : IN OUT List) IS 
--| MakeEmpty - subunit of Lists_Generic
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University 
--| Last Modified: July 1995                                     
  L.Head := NULL;
  L.Tail := NULL;
END MakeEmpty;

Program 14.13
Procedure RemoveFront

SEPARATE (Lists_Generic)
PROCEDURE RemoveFront (L: IN OUT List) IS
--| RemoveFront - subunit of Lists_Generic
--| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University
--| Last Modified: September 1995

  Temp: ListPtr;

BEGIN -- RemoveFront


    RAISE ListEmpty;
  ELSE -- L.Head points to a node; remove it
    Temp := L.Head;
    L.Head := L.Head.ALL.Next;   -- jump around first node
    Dispose (X => Temp);

END RemoveFront;

Exercises for Section 14.5


  1. Complete the generic linked-list package.

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