In this chapter we introduced Ada tasks and protected types. These are used to support concurrent programming, which is the writing of programs with multiple threads of control or processes.
Tasks are active program units that act as processes; in a given program, each
task is separately activated and executes independently of the others. A task
is an interesting kind of program unit: It has a specification and a body like
a package, contains a declaration section and a sequence of statements like a
procedure, and has a type like a data structure. Tasks are declared like other
variables; they can also be array elements. We have seen a few examples of task
discriminants and entries; other tasking statements, especially the
statement, are very interesting but beyond the scope of our
discussion here.
A protected type is a way to create an encapsulated data structure with operations that are protected in a concurrent environment. Protected operations can be functions, procedures, or entries; in this brief presentation we have introduced only procedures. The Ada 95 standard provides that multiple concurrent calls of a protected procedure are fully executed one at a time, preventing the multiple calls from interfering with each other and modifying the data structure unpredictably.
We have hardly begun to explore the richness of concurrent programs in Ada; we hope this brief introduction has sparked your interest in the subject and that you will continue to learn more about concurrent programming in general and its Ada implementation in particular.
Table 16.1
Summary of New Ada Constructs
Construct EffectTask Type
TASK TYPE SimpleTask SimpleTask is a type; Message and (Message: Character; HowMany are discriminants whose HowMany: Positive) IS values are passed to the task ENTRY StartRunning; objects when they are activated. END SimpleTask; StartRunning is a "start button" entry. TASK BODY SimpleTask IS BEGIN -- SimpleTask ACCEPT StartRunning; Each task object waits here for its entry to be called, and then FOR Count IN 1..HowMany LOOP continues on its own. Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "Hello from Task " & Message); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; DELAY 0.1; END LOOP; END SimpleTask;Task Object
Task_A: SimpleTask (Message => 'A', HowMany => 5); Two task objects are declared Task_B: SimpleTask with discriminant values (Message => 'B', HowMany => 7);Entry Call
Task_B.StartRunning; The two tasks' "start button" Task_A.StartRunning; entries are called.Protected Type
PROTECTED TYPE ScreenManagerType IS ScreenManagerType provides a PROCEDURE Write (Item: IN String; protected procedure Write. Row: IN Screen.Depth; Multiple calls to Write are Column: IN Screen.Width); guaranteed to be processed one PRIVATE at a time. This provides mutual -- a data structure could be declared here exclusion on operations that END ScreenManagerType; modify the protected structure. PROTECTED BODY ScreenManagerType IS PROCEDURE Write (Item: IN String; Row: IN Screen.Depth; Column: IN Screen.Width) IS BEGIN -- Write Screen.MoveCursor (Row => Row, Column => Column); Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => Item); END Write; END ScreenManagerType;Protected Object
Manager: ScreenManagerType; Manager is a protected object.
in its task body?
of the block in
which they are declared. Ada does not predefine an order of activation.
or other statement that causes it to block.
until another task calls the
package (Program 7.11, modified according to the
specification in Program 10.19) using a
protected type to keep track of the
spiders on the board. Modify the package accordingly and test it using Program
6.8 or 6.9. Now remove the protection from the Move
that is, declare it as an ordinary procedure and the board as an ordinary data
structure. Test again; is there any difference in the behavior?
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