The Ada.Text_IO
package provides operations for reading from the
terminal keyboard and writing to the screen, but it provides no direct
operations for controlling the screen in interesting ways, such as moving the
cursor to a given row-column position before writing. Doing this requires an
additional package which uses Ada.Text_IO
to send control
characters to the teminal; the control characters act as instructions to it
instead of data it should display. Because this package, which we will call
, is not part of standard Ada, we provide it with this book.
The details of just how this package operates are left until Chapter 7, but it
is possible for you to use the package without understanding its innards.
A package consists of two files, the specification file and the
body file. As discussed in
3.6, the specification gives the "contract with the user," or list of
promised resources. The body delivers the actual source code for the procedures
and functions promised by the specification. Because the input/output and
packages are supplied in precompiled form by all Ada
compilers, we have seen only their specifications; the source code for the
bodies is not available to us. Other packages may be supplied to you in
source-code form, with both the specification and body files provided.
is one of these packages.
3.8 shows the specification for Screen
Program 3.8
PACKAGE Screen IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Procedures for drawing pictures on ANSI Terminal Screen --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: July 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- constants; the number of rows and columns on the terminal Screen_Depth : CONSTANT Integer := 24; Screen_Width : CONSTANT Integer := 80; -- subtypes giving the ranges of acceptable inputs -- to the cursor-positioning operation SUBTYPE Depth IS Integer RANGE 1..Screen_Depth; SUBTYPE Width IS Integer RANGE 1..Screen_Width; PROCEDURE Beep; -- Pre: None -- Post: Terminal makes its beep sound once PROCEDURE ClearScreen; -- Pre: None -- Post: Terminal Screen is cleared PROCEDURE MoveCursor (Column : Width; Row : Depth); -- Pre: Column and Row have been assigned in-range values -- Post: Cursor is moved to the given spot on the screen END Screen;
package provides two constants, Screen_Width
, corresponding to the number of columns (usually 80)
and rows (usually 24) on the screen. There are also two subtypes,
and Depth
, giving the ranges for valid cursor
positions (1..Screen_Depth
and 1..Screen_Width,
The package provides three procedures. The first two, Beep
, take no parameters: A procedure call statement
Screen.Beep;causes the terminal to beep; a procedure call statement
Screen.ClearScreen;causes the screen to go blank, erasing all previous information from it. The last procedure,
, takes row and column parameters, so that,
for example,
Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 10, Column => 22); Text_IO.Put (Item => '*');has the effect of displaying an asterisk in the location of row 10, column 22. Finally,
Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 5, Column => 10); Text_IO.Put (Item => "-----");displays the string
in row 5, columns 10 through 14, inclusive.
Note the style of comments documenting each of these procedures. These are called preconditions and postconditions and are used to describe each procedure's assumptions and behavior in an informal but structured way. We'll come back to this subject in more detail in Chapter 6; meanwhile, you can get used to reading this style of documenting our packages.
Program 3.9 gives the body file for this package. You might not understand exactly how the procedures work. Don't worry about this right now; we will return to it in Chapter 7.
Program 3.9
WITH Ada.Text_IO; WITH Ada.Integer_Text_IO; PACKAGE BODY Screen IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Body of screen-handling package --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: July 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROCEDURE Beep IS BEGIN Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => ASCII.BEL); END Beep; PROCEDURE ClearScreen IS BEGIN Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => ASCII.ESC); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "[2J"); END ClearScreen; PROCEDURE MoveCursor (Column : Width; Row : Depth) IS BEGIN Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => ASCII.ESC); Ada.Text_IO.Put ("["); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (Item => Row, Width => 1); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => ';'); Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (Item => Column, Width => 1); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => 'f'); END MoveCursor; END Screen;
--come wity the Ada compiler and do not need to be compiled.
Before any package can be used by other programs, it must be compiled. The
specification must be compiled first, then the body. To use the screen package,
you must have a copy of the specification and body files available in your
computer's file system. If you do not, you must type them in exactly as shown in
3.8 and
then compile them both. If you subsequently modify the specification file, you
must recompile both it and the body, and all other programs that use the
package as well. If you do not modify either file, you will not have to
recompile it; your Ada compiler's library system will keep it available for use
with any program with the context clause
WITH Screen;As an example of the use of the screen package, consider Program 3.10, which first clears the screen, then beeps three times, then draws a "smiley face" in the center of the screen. After each beep, there is a statement
DELAY 0.1;which causes the computer to wait 0.1 second before sending the next beep. This is done so that even on a very fast computer you will hear three distinct beeps.
Program 3.10
WITH Ada.Text_IO; WITH Screen; PROCEDURE Smiley IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Draws a "smiley face" in the center of the terminal screen --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: July 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BEGIN -- Smiley Screen.ClearScreen; Screen.Beep; DELAY 0.1; Screen.Beep; DELAY 0.1; Screen.Beep; DELAY 0.1; Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 7, Column => 34); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "HAVE A NICE DAY!"); Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 9, Column => 39); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "_____"); Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 10, Column => 37); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "/ \"); Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 11, Column => 36); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "/ \"); Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 12, Column => 35); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "| |"); Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 13, Column => 35); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "| O O |"); Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 14, Column => 36); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "\ o /"); Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 15, Column => 37); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "\ \___/ /"); Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 16, Column => 38); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "\ /"); Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 17, Column => 39); Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "-----"); Screen.MoveCursor (Row => 24, Column => 1); END Smiley;Sample Run
HAVE A NICE DAY! _____ / \ / \ | | | O O | \ o / \ \___/ / \ / -----There is one more thing you need to know about
. Even though all
Ada compilers support the same Ada language, not all Ada programs can show
correct output on all terminals because different kinds of terminals have
different characteristics. This package assumes that the terminal you are using
responds to ANSI control sequences. Most UNIX and VMS terminals do. So does an
IBM-PC or compatible computer, provided that the ANSI.SYS device driver is
listed in the computer's CONFIG.SYS file. If you run Smiley
your screen does not look like the sample run, see your computer center or
teacher or, if you are using your own PC-compatible, check whether ANSI.SYS is
properly installed.
Copyright © 1996 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.