We introduced the Boolean
data type in Chapter 4. We have used
expressions (expressions that evaluate to
or False
) to control loop repetition and to
select one of the alternatives in an IF
statement. Some examples
of Boolean
expressions are
Gross > TaxBracket Item /= Sentinel TranType = 'C'
is one of Ada's predefined types; in fact, it is an enumeration type, defined as
TYPE Boolean IS ( False, True);
simplest Boolean
expression is a Boolean
variable or
constant. A Boolean
variable or constant can be set to either of
the Boolean
values, False
or True
. The
Debug : CONSTANT Boolean := True;specifies that the
constant Debug
has the value
; the declarations
Switch : Boolean; Flag : Boolean;declare
and Flag
to be Boolean
variables, that is, variables that can be assigned only the values
and False
Boolean Operators
A Boolean
variable or constant is the simplest form of a
expression (e.g., Switch
). We have used the
relational operators ( =, <, >, etc.) with numeric data to form conditions
or Boolean
expressions (e.g., Salary < Minsal
There are four Boolean
operators: AND
, and NOT
. These operators are
used with operands that are Boolean
( Salary < Minsal) OR ( NumDepend > 5) ( Temp > 90.0) AND ( Humidity > 0.90) Athlete AND ( NOT Failing) Married XOR CollegeGraduate
first expression can be used to determine whether an employee pays income tax.
It evaluates to True
if either condition in parentheses is true.
The second expression can be used to describe an unbearable summer day:
temperature and humidity both above 90. The expression evaluates to
only when both conditions are true. The third expression has
two Boolean
variables (Athlete
) as its operands. Any individual for whom this expression
is true is eligible for intercollegiate sports. The fourth expression evaluates
to True
if the individual is either married or a
college graduate but not both. It might be useful to a public opinion
The Boolean
operators can be used with Boolean
expressions only. The Boolean
operators are summarized in Table 7.4, which shows that the AND
yields a true result only
when both its operands are true, that the OR
operator yields a
false result only when both its operands are false, and that the
operator yields a true result only when exactly one of its
operands is true. The NOT
operator has a single operand and yields
the logical complement, or negation, of its operand.
Table 7.4
Boolean Operators
op1 op2 NOT op1 op1 AND op2 op1 OR op2 op1 XOR op2 false false true false false false false true true false true true true false false false true true true true false true true false
Table 7.5
Operator Precedence
Operator Precedence **, NOT, ABS highest ( evaluated first) *, /, REM multiplying operators +, - monadic adding operators +, -, & dyadic adding operators ( & is concatenation, coming in Chapter 9) <, <=, =, /=, >=, > relational operators AND, OR, XOR dyadic logical operators ( evaluated last)
The expression
X < Y + Zinvolving the float variables
, Y
, and Z
interpreted as
X < ( Y + Z)because + has higher precedence than
. The expression
X < Y OR Z < Yis interpreted as
( X < Y) OR ( Z < Y)
has lower precedence than <
. The expression
NOT Sunny OR Warmis interpreted as
( NOT Sunny) OR Warmbecause
has higher precedence than OR
.As is clear from Table 7.5 and Example 7.14, Ada has many operators, and their relative precedences are often difficult to remember. It is therefore advisable to keep expressions relatively simple and to use parentheses to make clear what you mean.
Example 7.16
The following are all legal Boolean expressions if X
, and Z
are type Float
is type Boolean
. The value of each expression is
shown in brackets assuming that X
is 3.0, Y
is 4.0,
is 2.0, and Flag
is True
1. ( X > Z) AND ( Y > Z) [True] 2. ( X + Y / Z) <= 3.5 [False] 3. ( Y > X) XOR ( Y > Z) [False] 4. NOT Flag [False] 5. ( X = 1.0) OR ( X = 3.0) [True] 6. ( 0.0 < X) AND ( X < 3.5) [True] 7. ( X <= Y) AND ( Y <= Z) [False] 8. NOT Flag OR (( Y + Z) >= ( X - Z)) [True] 9. NOT ( Flag OR (( Y + Z) >= ( X - Z))) [False]
Expression 1 gives the Ada form of the relationship "X and Y are greater than Z." It is often tempting to write this as
this is an illegal Boolean
expression because the float variable
cannot be an operand of the Boolean
. Similarly, expression 5 shows the correct way to express the
relationship "X is equal to 1.0 or to 3.0."
Expression 6 is the Ada form of the relationship 0.0 < X < 3.5 (i.e., "X is in the range 0.0 to 3.5"). Similarly, expression 7 shows the Ada form of the relationship X <= Y <= Z; that is, "Y is in the range X to Z, inclusive."
Finally, expression 8 is evaluated in Fig. 7.6; the
values given at the
beginning of this example are shown above the expression. The expression in
Fig. 7.6 is rewritten below with parentheses enclosing
the term NOT
. Although these parentheses are not required, they do clarify the
meaning of the expression and we recommend their use:
( NOT Flag) OR (( Y + Z) >= ( X - Z))
Figure 7.6
Evaluation Tree for Boolean
When evaluating Boolean
expressions, Ada evaluates both sides of
the expression, but in an order not defined by the language. This is not
usually a problem; generally we are interested only in the final result of the
evaluation. Circumstances do arise, however, when it is desirable to evaluate
the right side of an AND
only if the left side is true, or the
right side of an OR
only if the left side is false. Ada provides
for this purpose two additional operators, AND THEN
and OR
. These are called short-circuit operators: The evaluation of
the right operand is skipped if evaluating the left operand determines the
result of the expression.
Both sides are always evaluated in the expression
Flag OR (( Y + Z) /= ( X - Z))
but in the expression
Flag OR ELSE (( Y + Z) /= ( X - Z))if the value of
is True
, then NOT Flag
is True
, so the expression must evaluate to True
regardless of the value of the parenthesized expression following OR
(i.e., True OR ...
must always be True
Consequently, the parenthesized expression following OR ELSE
not evaluated when Flag
is True
.Short-circuit evaluation has important applications. Sometimes it is necessary to omit evaluation of the right operand, lest a run-time error arise.
Example 7.17
If X
is 0, the expression
( X /= 0.0) AND ( Y / X > 5.0)
because ( X /= 0.0)
is False
False AND ...
must always be False
. Not only is there
no need to evaluate the subexpression ( Y / X > 5.0)
is zero, it is an error to do so: Numeric_Error
would be raised because the divisor X
is zero. An expression like
this must be written
( X /= 0.0) AND THEN ( Y / X > 5.0)
prevent the right side from being evaluated whenever X
is zero.
Boolean Assignment Statements
We can write assignment statements that assign a Boolean
value to
a Boolean
variable. The statement
Same := X = Y;assigns the value
to the Boolean
when X
and Y
are equal; otherwise,
the value False
is assigned. The assignment above has the same
effect as the IF
IF X = Y THEN Same := True; ELSE Same := False; END IF;
Example 7.18
The assignment statement below assigns the value True
if N
is an even number:
Even := ( N REM 2) = 0;
statement assigns a value of True
to Even
when the
remainder of N
divided by 2 is 0. (All even numbers are divisible
by 2.)
variables are sometimes used as program flags to
signal whether or not a special event occurs in a program. The fact that such
an event occurs is important to the future execution of the program. A
variable used as a program flag is initialized to one of
its two possible values (True
or False
) and reset to
the other as soon as the event being monitored occurs.
Example 7.19
In Section 6.7 we developed, for package
, a
procedure for reading an integer value Item
between the values
and MaxVal
. That procedure used Ada exception
handling to determine whether the input value was in range. Suppose Ada did not
have an exception-handling capability (many languages don't)? Here is a loop
for reading input within range that has similar behavior but does not use
exception handling.
-- Keep reading until a valid number is read. Between := False; -- Assume a valid number is not read WHILE NOT Between LOOP -- invariant: -- All prior values of Item are outside the range MinVal to MaxVal Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Enter an integer between "); Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => MinVal, Width => 0); Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => " and "); Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => MaxVal, Width => 0); Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => " > "); Ada.Integer_Ada.Text_IO.Get(Item => Item); Between := (Item >= MinVal) AND (Item <= MaxVal); END LOOP; -- assert: Item is in the range MinVal to MaxVal
loop continues to read integer values until a value between its two input
parameters, MinVal
and MaxVal
, is entered. The first
data value within range is returned as the procedure result. The
variable Between
is used as a program flag to
signal whether or not the event "data entry of an integer between
and MaxVal
" has occurred. The variable
is initialized to False
before the
loop. Inside the WHILE
loop, the assignment
Between := (Item >= MinVal) AND (Item <= MaxVal)
to True
when a value between
and MaxVal
is read into N
. The
loop is repeated as long as Between
is still False
Finally, we could write the last statement equally well as
Between := Item IN MinVal .. MaxVal;
values in Ada because
is an enumeration type. All that is necessary is to create
an instance of Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO
to handle the job.
Because Boolean
is a commonly used predefined type, this instance
can be created once and for all in your Ada program library. Putting the lines
WITH Ada.Text_IO; PACKAGE Boolean_IO IS NEW Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO (Enum => Boolean);in file and compiling that file are all it takes. You can then supply a context clause
WITH Boolean_IO;to use the
and Put
operations for
Example 7.20
Two well-known laws of logic are called DeMorgan's laws after their
discoverer. These two laws state that, for two Boolean
and Y
, for any combination of values of
and Y
NOT( X OR Y) = ( NOT X) AND ( NOT Y) NOT( X AND Y) = ( NOT X) OR ( NOT Y)
Program 7.8 illustrates the validity of these laws, the use of a Boolean
to control an input loop, and also the use of Boolean_IO
Program 7.8
Demonstration of DeMorgan's Laws and Boolean_IO
WITH Ada.Text_IO; WITH Boolean_IO; PROCEDURE Show_DeMorgan IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Demonstrates the validity of DeMorgan's Laws, and also Boolean_IO --| a Boolean flag is also used to control the input loop --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: July 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ X : Boolean; Y : Boolean; MoreInput : Boolean; BEGIN -- Show_DeMorgan MoreInput := True; WHILE MoreInput LOOP Ada.Text_IO.Put ( Item => "Please enter True or False value for X > "); Boolean_IO.Get ( Item => X); Ada.Text_IO.Put ( Item => "Please enter True or False value for Y > "); Boolean_IO.Get ( Item => Y); Ada.Text_IO.Put( "NOT( X OR Y) = "); Boolean_IO.Put( Item => NOT( X OR Y), Width => 1); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put( "( NOT X) AND ( NOT Y) = "); Boolean_IO.Put( Item => ( NOT X) AND ( NOT Y), Width => 1); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put("NOT( X AND Y) = "); Boolean_IO.Put( Item => NOT( X AND Y), Width => 1); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put("( NOT X) OR ( NOT Y) = "); Boolean_IO.Put( Item => ( NOT X) OR ( NOT Y), Width => 1); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put ( Item=>"Do you wish to try another combination ( True/False)? "); Boolean_IO.Get ( Item => MoreInput); END LOOP; END Show_DeMorgan;Sample Run
Please enter True or False value for X > false Please enter True or False value for Y > false NOT( X OR Y) = TRUE ( NOT X) AND ( NOT Y) = TRUE NOT( X AND Y) = TRUE ( NOT X) OR ( NOT Y) = TRUE Do you wish to try another combination ( True/False)? true Please enter True or False value for X > false Please enter True or False value for Y > true NOT( X OR Y) = FALSE ( NOT X) AND ( NOT Y) = FALSE NOT( X AND Y) = TRUE ( NOT X) OR ( NOT Y) = TRUE Do you wish to try another combination ( True/False)? falseThe program prompts the user for values for
and Y
. These values must be entered as any
enumeration values would, as True
or False
(the case
of the letters does not matter). The sample run shows, by evaluating the four
expressions above, that DeMorgan's laws are true for the
two cases shown. You can try the remaining two cases yourself.
We mentioned earlier that the programmer should plan for debugging by including
diagnostic print statements in the original code. One way to prevent the
diagnostic print statements from executing during production runs is to declare
a global Boolean
constant (say, Debugging
) whose
value is True
during debugging and False
production runs. The declaration part of the main program will contain the
constant declaration
Debugging : CONSTANT Boolean := True; -- turn diagnostics onduring debugging runs and the constant declaration
Debugging : CONSTANT Boolean := False; -- turn diagnostics offduring production runs. The diagnostic print statements below will be executed only when
is True
(i.e., during debugging runs):
IF Debugging THEN Ada.Text_IO.Put ( Item => "Procedure ProcessGoods entered"); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Ada.Text_IO.Put ( Item => "Input parameter Salary is "); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put ( Item => Salary, Fore => 6, Aft => 2, Exp => 0); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END IF;
This case study involves the manipulation of type Natural
data. It
also illustrates the use of Boolean
variables as program flags.
Write a program that tests a positive integer to determine whether or not it is a prime number. A prime number is an integer that has no divisors other than 1 and itself. Examples of prime numbers are the integers 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11.
Our program will either display a message indicating that its data value is a prime number, or it will display the smallest divisor of the number if it is not prime.
Data Requirements
Problem Inputs
the number to be tested for a prime number (N : Positive
Problem Outputs
the smallest divisor if N
is not prime (FirstDiv :
Initial Algorithm
1. Read in the number to be tested for a prime number.
2. Find the smallest divisor > 1 or determine that the number is prime.
3. Display a message that the number is prime or print its smallest divisor.
We will use the Boolean
variable Prime
as a program
flag to indicate the result of step 2 as described below. A structure chart is
shown in
Figure 7.7
Structure Chart for Prime-Testing Program
Additional Program Variables
program flag that will be set to True
if N is prime,
otherwise (Prime : Boolean
We can dispose of Step 3 very simply with the following refinement:
Step 3 Refinement
3.1. IF N
is prime THEN
Display a message that N
is prime
Display the first divisor of N
Let us consider step 2. Define a subtype SmallPos
to include the
positive numbers from 2
to MaxN
Variable FirstDiv
(the first divisor) is type
and we need to compute the values of
and Prime
by determining whether or not
has any divisors other than 1 and itself.
If N
is an even integer, it is divisible by 2.
Therefore, 2 is the only even integer that can be prime, and 2 is the smallest
divisor of all other even integers.
If N
is an odd integer, its only possible divisors are
the odd integers less than N
. In fact, it can be proved that a
number is prime if it is not divisible by any odd integer less than or equal to
its square root. These considerations form the basis for the algorithm shown
Step 2 Refinement
2.1.IF N = 2 THEN
2.2. N is a prime number
ELSIF N is even then
2.3. 2 is the smallest divisor and N is not prime
2.4. Test each odd integer between 3 and N to see whether it is a divisor of N
Step 2.4 must test each odd integer as a possible divisor of N
until a divisor is found. This we do with a WHILE
loop that has
the following loop invariant:
-- invariant: -- FirstDiv during pass i is 1 + 2 * i (3, 5, 7, ... ) and -- No prior value of FirstDiv is a divisor of N and -- FirstDiv is less than or equal to the square root of N
Step 2.4 refinement
2.4.1. Assume N
is a prime number (i.e., set Prime
2.4.2. Initialize FirstDiv
to 3
2.4.3. WHILE Prime
is still True
FirstDiv <
2.4.4. IF FirstDiv
is a divisor of N THEN
2.4.5. Set Prime
to False
is not
2.4.6. Set FirstDiv
to the next odd number
The implementation and testing is left as an exercise.
assignment statements:
a. Assign a value of True
to Between
if the value
of N
lies between -K
and +K
, inclusive;
otherwise, assign a value of False
b. Assign a value of True
to UpCase
is an uppercase letter; otherwise, assign a value of
c. Assign a value of True
to Divisor
is a divisor of N
; otherwise, assign a value of
value indicating
whether or not its first parameter is divisible by its second parameter.
Copyright © 1996 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.