As described in the introduction, a record is a structure containing several fields, each field having its own type; this structure is described by a record type declaration. As is always the case with types, the record type declaration does not create any records; it is only a template or recipe for creating records.
Example 8.1
The staff of our small software firm is growing rapidly. To keep our records more accessible and organized, we decide to store relevant data, such as the descriptive information shown below, in an employee data base:
ID : 1234 Name: Caryn Jackson Gender : Female Number of Dependents: 3 Hourly Rate: 7.50
that the number of dependents should be of type Natural
and the
hourly rate and taxable salary should both be of type NonNegFloat
let us give an appropriate type declaration for each piece of information in
the first three lines above:
NameSize :CONSTANT Positive := 20; SUBTYPE IDType IS Positive RANGE 1111..9999; SUBTYPE NameType IS String(1..NameSize); TYPE GenderType IS (Female,Male);We next declare a record type
to store this information. We
must specify the name of each field and the type of information stored in each
field. We choose the field names in the same way as we choose all other
identifiers: The names describe the nature of the information represented.
TYPE Employee IS RECORD ID : IDType; Name : NameType; Gender : GenderType; NumDepend : Natural; Rate : NonNegFloat; END RECORD;The record type is a template that describes the format of each record and the name of each individual data element. A variable declaration is required to allocate storage space for a record. The record variables
are declared next.
Clerk : Employee; Janitor : Employee;The record variables
and Janitor
both have the
structure specified in the declaration for record type Employee
Thus, the memory allocated for each consists of storage space for six distinct
values. Figure 8.1 shows the record variable Clerk
, assuming the
values shown earlier are stored in memory.
Figure 8.1
Record Variable Clerk
As illustrated in the type declaration for Employee
, each of the
fields of a record can be a predefined or user-defined type. There are no
limitations on the type of a field, except that the type specification must be
the name of a type that has already been declared. The record type declaration
is described in the next display.
Record Type Declaration
TYPE rec-type IS RECORD F1 : type1; F2 : type2; . . . Fn : typen; END RECORD;
TYPE Fraction IS RECORD Numerator: Integer; Denominator: Positive; END RECORD;
We can reference a record field by using a field selector, which consists of the record variable name followed by the field name. A period separates the field name and record name.
Example 8.2
The data shown in Fig. 8.1 could have been stored in
through this sequence of assignment statements:
Clerk.ID := 1234; Clerk.Name := "Caryn Jackson "; Clerk.Gender := Female; Clerk.NumDepend := 3; Clerk.Rate := 7.50;
Once data are stored in a record, they can be manipulated in the same way as other data in memory.
The statements
Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "The clerk is "); CASE Clerk.Gender IS WHEN Female => Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "Ms. "); WHEN Male => Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "Mr. "); END CASE; Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => Clerk.Name);display the clerk's name after an appropriate title (
). For the data above, the output would be
The clerk is Ms. Caryn Jackson
Example 8.3
8.1 computes the distance from an arbitrary point on the x-y plane
to the origin (intersection of the x- and y-axes). The values of
the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate are entered as data and
stored in the fields X
and Y
of the record variable
. The formula used to compute the distance, d, from
the origin to an arbitrary point (X, Y) is
_________ d = \/ X2 + Y2Each coordinate of the record variable
is read separately.
does not provide operations to read an entire record;
we will write our own operations to read records later in this chapter.
Program 8.1
WITH Ada.Text_IO; WITH Ada.Float_Text_IO; WITH Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; USE Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions; PROCEDURE Distance_to_Origin IS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --| Finds the distance from a point to the origin. --| Author: Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University --| Last Modified: July 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TYPE Point IS RECORD X : Float; Y : Float; END RECORD; Point1 : Point; -- the data point Distance : Float; -- its distance to the origin BEGIN -- Distance_to_Origin Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Enter X coordinate (floating point) > "); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get(Item => Point1.X); Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Enter Y coordinate (floating point) > "); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Get(Item => Point1.Y); Distance := Sqrt(Point1.X ** 2 + Point1.Y ** 2); Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Distance to origin is "); Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put(Item => Distance, Fore=>1,Aft=>2,Exp=>0); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END Distance_to_Origin;Sample Run
Enter X coordinate (floating point) > 3 Enter Y coordinate (floating point) > 4 Distance to origin is 5.00
A type is always a set of values and a set of operations on those values. Now that we know how to declare record types, let us summarize the operations available for record values.
Four basic operations act on a record: store, retrieve, assignment, and equality test.
is a record with a field named F1
is an expression that is compatible with field F1
the statement
R1.F1 := E;
stores the result of evaluating E
in field
of record R1
compatible with variable C
(that is, if they have the same type),
the statement
C := R1.F1;
retrieves the value in field F1
of record
and copies it into C
. Note that it is always
permissible, given two record variables R1
and R2
the same type, to write
R1.F1 := R2.F1;
and R2
are record variables of the same type, the
R1 := R2;
copies all values associated with record R2
record R1
expressions like
R1 = R2
are permitted; the expression above is true if and only if
each of the fields of R1
is equal to its corresponding field in
. Further, the result of the Boolean
R1 /= R2
is true if and only if at least one of the fields of
is not equal to its corresponding field in R2
If Clerk
and Janitor
are both record variables of
type Employee
, the statement
Clerk := Janitor; --copy Janitor to Clerkcopies each field of
into the
corresponding field of Clerk
. It is also permissible to determine
in a single statement whether two records R1
and R2
of the same record type are equal, that is, whether each field of
is equal to the corresponding field of R2
. For
IF R1 = R2 THEN DoSomething; ELSE DoSomethingElse; END IF;executes
if R1
both contain the same field values, field by field, and
executes DoSomethingElse
Because arithmetic and logical operations--except for equality and inequality--can be performed on only individual memory cells, record variables cannot be used as the operands of predefined arithmetic and relational operators. These operators can be used only with individual fields of a record. However, we shall see in Chapter 10 that it is possible for a programmer to define arithmetic and relational operators on records.
and variable Book
and write assignment
statements that store the relevant data for this textbook in Book
to find the distance between two
points. Use the formula
_________________________ Distance = \/( X1 - X2)2 + ( Y1 - Y2)2
Store the points in two record variables of type Point
Copyright © 1996 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.