Usually we don't know exactly how many elements there will be in an array. For example, if we are processing exam scores, there might be 150 students in one class, 200 in the next, and so on. In this situation, we can declare an array that will accommodate the largest class. Only part of this array will actually be processed for a smaller class.
Example 8.12
The array Scores
declared below can accommodate a class of
up to 250 students. Each array element can contain an integer value between 0
and 100.
MaxSize : CONSTANT Positive := 250; MaxScore : CONSTANT Positive := 100; SUBTYPE ClassIndex IS Positive RANGE 1..MaxSize; SUBTYPE ClassRange IS Natural RANGE 0..MaxSize; SUBTYPE ScoreRange IS Natural RANGE 0..MaxScore; TYPE ScoreArray IS ARRAY (ClassIndex) OF ScoreRange; Scores : ScoreArray; ClassSize : ClassRange;Procedure
8.12 reads up to 250 exam scores. It displays a warning message when the
array is filled. The actual number of scores read is returned as the value of
Program 8.12
PROCEDURE ReadScores (Scores : OUT ScoreArray; ClassSize : OUT ClassRange) IS -- Reads an array of exam scores (Scores) -- for a class of up to MaxSize students. -- Pre : None -- Post: The data values are stored in array Scores. -- The number of values read is stored in ClassSize. Sentinel : CONSTANT Integer := -1; -- Sentinel value TempScore : Integer; -- Temporary storage for a score TempSize : ClassRange; BEGIN Ada.Text_IO.Put (Item => "Enter next score after the prompt or -1 to stop."); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; TempSize := 0; -- initial class size -- Read each array element until done. LOOP -- invariant: -- No prior value read is Sentinel and -- ClassSize <= MaxSize Robust_Input.Get(Item => TempScore, MinVal => Sentinel, MaxVal => ScoreRange'Last); EXIT WHEN (TempScore = Sentinel) OR (ClassSize = MaxSize); TempSize := TempSize + 1; Scores(TempSize) := TempScore; -- Save the score END LOOP; -- assert: -- Last value read is Sentinel or -- TempSize is MaxSize IF TempSize = MaxSize THEN Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Array is filled."); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; END IF; ClassSize := TempSize; END ReadScores;In any subsequent processing of array
, the variable
should be used to limit the number of array elements
processed. Only the subarray with subscripts 1..ClassSize
defined. All array elements with subscripts larger than ClassSize
are still undefined and should not be manipulated. ClassSize
should be passed as a parameter to any procedure that processes the partially
filled array.
, what prevents the user from entering
more than MaxSize
loop instead of a WHILE
loop in procedure ReadScores
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